Clip multi parts
Hi, I'm trying to add two helper disks to my object. I saw in a video that I have to activate the clip multi parts option under Print Settings -> Advanced so that the helper disks are separated from the actual object.
Unfortunately this option is no longer available in version 2.6, so how do I do it?
RE: Clip multi parts
This option is no longer there. But you can get the same effect in Prusaslicer 2.7+:
- Add the helper disk.
- Drag it so it sits above the STL in the parts list.
- Right click on it and add Layers and Perimeters.
- Set perimeters to anything but the default.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Clip multi parts
ok thx in version 2.6 this can no longer be achieved, from version 2.7 onwards it works again, when will the final version of 2.7 be released?
RE: Clip multi parts
Whats wrong ? ( Was mache ich falsch)
RE: Clip multi parts
No, it still works. Tried it in 2.7 and 2.7.1.
With Fuchsr perimeters less than part, or your 99 perimeters.
From your screen cap it looks like the 2 objects are separate. PS treat all OBJECTS individually. So if you overlap them bad things will happen. It will trey to lay 2x the plastic down where they overlap. You as the user are expected to not overlap them. The helper disk needs to be added as a PART to the existing Object. When an Object has multiple PARTS then they are sliced as one. Theres no overlap and clipping can take place. You can still add settings to those parts as shown in the images. Note the structure in the tree list on the right. At the top Level theres the Object name and below that are 2 Parts (Helper disc and the test box). The Helper disc part has individual settings applied which is indicated by that being in the tree below it and not common to all the parts.
We would need your saved PrusaSlicer project file (file>save project As) to ALL the other settings you are using to debug why its not working for certain, but I'm pretty sure of the issue from your pic. A 3mf saved from PS contains the models, any modifiers and a copy of the 3 profiles you are slicing with. In effect its a snapshot that contains (almost) everything. They are the single best way to debug issues and get help.
RE: Clip multi parts
The difference is probably where you right-clicked before you added the part.
If you right-click on 'nothing' and add a part - you'll just be adding a new separate disk to your print which can clash with the part you're trying to print.
If you right-click on the part you're printing and add a part - you'll be adding a disk to that model which won't "overlap incorrectly."
Basically the same issue in this thread.
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RE: Clip multi parts
ok thx
RE: Clip multi parts
Its because of your elephants foot setting. Its moving the perimeter inwards x.x mm from the exterior but as the helper disc is part of the same object the perimeter there isn't moved inwards. Set it to zero and slice, you will see.
RE: Clip multi parts
Its because of your elephants foot setting. Its moving the perimeter inwards x.x mm from the exterior but as the helper disc is part of the same object the perimeter there isn't moved inwards. Set it to zero and slice, you will see.
you are correct, thank you @neophyl and @fuchsr for your excellent advise. May I expect for the box to actually turn out exactly rectilinear despite the preview, given that the elephant archer compensation is supposedly justified?
Meanwhile I also have found another workaround that might be valuable for others who run into the same problem. Basically I put tiny cubes (1 x 1 x 0.2 mm) near the corners I want to support and enable "brim" as an per object setting. I actually tested it and it worked great.
RE: Clip multi parts
Thanks I’ll give it a try
RE: Clip multi parts
In the slicer he 1st layer is an offset from original location to compensate the elephant foot bahaviour., Where you are adding the disk, there wont be any elephant foot behaviour so there it is showing the line in the correct location, as a result it wont appear in the print with the added elepht foot.
RE: Clip multi parts
Very important: It doesn't work when you try to put the first object lower then the helper disk!!!! You have to drag the helper disk up.