Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes
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Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes  

Eminent Member
Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes

I would like to slightly modify the main page look and have searched but can’t find how to and on the forum either it’s not been raised before or I can’t find it. 

The main screen information menu on the right of screen shows print settings at top, then Object Manipulations, Info  then Sliced Info. 

The Sliced Info box carries five lines of info with the last one  Estimated Printing Time  which is  hidden behind the  Slice or Export G Code Button. While I can drag it down it is a pain to have to do it EVERY time I slice  a project. 

As it happens the only bit of info I am interested in that box is the Time it’s going to take to print. I don’t care about how much filament is used or what it thinks it will cost.  

Is there any way I can change the order of the lines in the box or rearrange the boxes ( I also don’t care about anything in the Object Manipulations or Info boxes so I’d be happy to swap positions of any boxes. 


Postato : 24/05/2020 11:10 pm
RE: Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes

PrusaSlicer is not flexible in that way as it is a "traditional" application.

Changes to GUI/app can be submitted as Feature Request issue Here on GitHub. Do a search first to see if it already exists.

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 24/05/2020 11:28 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes



Followed that link and signed up ( eventually ) after rotating endless horses and cows and multiple attempts to put in a suitable user name and passwords that were rejected. 

Then couldn’t find anything related to prusaslicer. 

Gave up after realising its a site for professional coders not for a hobby printer with no interest in coding just wanting to move one line on a page so I can see how long a print will take. 

Too much for me. 

Postato : 25/05/2020 4:23 am
RE: Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes

It is the best way to reach the developers at Prusa.

It looks more technical than it is - no need to be a coder to report an issue or a feature request. The description you made here could be used in and issue with added PrusaSlicer version and your operating system (Mac/Windows/Linux).

Have a look at my models on 😉

Postato : 25/05/2020 1:52 pm
Noble Member
RE: Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes


That s weird, I just tried both Prusa and custom printers. All text is visible, and no slider is available.


For some reason the board crops the horizontal. Click in image to see full width.

Postato : 25/05/2020 2:01 pm
Brody Richardson
Active Member
RE: Changing GUI Location of Info Boxes

what OS are you running linux or windows 98?!?! and it also depends on your resolution setting

Postato : 21/09/2023 3:17 pm