Can't load .3mf files from Makerworld
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Can't load .3mf files from Makerworld  

Rusty Jones
Eminent Member
Can't load .3mf files from Makerworld

This likely to get hot, but lets try to stay calm. 


It seems that Prusaslicer can't open .3mf files from Makerworld, this is apparently not unique to Prusaslicer, other major slicers and software can't open these files. Something about not being able to parse the file...  My understanding was that 3mf was a standard format? What happened? It also seems to go the other way as well. I tried to open one of my 3mf files, that was created with Prusaslicer,  in Bambu Studio, and it said it could not open the project because it was not saved in Bambu Studio, BUT could import the models.



Posted : 17/10/2023 12:14 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Can't load .3mf files from Makerworld

For the Bambu labs issue specifically   

Don't know what makerworld is cant comment on that.  Sounds like Makerworld needs to bring their 3mf back into some form of standard if lots of things cant open theirs though.

3mf is a standard CONTAINER, the data that is stored inside can be changed and is not that standardised at all.  Its my understanding that with 3mf the various bits of software will import the parts they understand .  So if you wanted to store material/texture data against a mesh you can and something that didn't know how to decode that would skip it for example.  Although in an ideal world it would be nice to map texture data to say an extruder/colour in PS. 

So its not surprising that importing the models will work but not the other attributes stored in the project if Bambu have diverged from PS that much.  Same issue with Super Slicer/PS projects.  The configuration options differ so there can be issues loading one to the other.  You would hope though that model data would still be available though at a basic level.  

Posted : 17/10/2023 12:36 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Can't load .3mf files from Makerworld

If you look at the 3mf specs it's clearly one of those "standards" that specifies a container format and a core set of attributes but also leaves creators a lot of leeway to modify and extend it as they see fit. So I'm not surprised if the Bambu version is incompatible with Prusa's version. Likewise, if you use modifiers in  Prusa 3mf file, other slicers will render them as solid parts because those modifiers are Prusa-specific.

That's why I stick with publishing STL as the least common denominator that ANY slicer can read, plus the 3MF as needed to illustrate the placement of supports, seams, modifiers or other settings, for use with Prusaslicer. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 17/10/2023 4:48 pm