Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes
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Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes  

Active Member
Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes

I split my model and added the awesome cone pins.  Messed up and upscaled the pins and not the holes and need to reprint the half with the holes.  I can't find how to edit the scale of the registration holes in the slicer file...


Postato : 15/02/2023 3:22 pm
Famed Member
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes

I've done many models over the years with registration pins, always cylindrical pins.

I don't know of any practical way of rescaling parts of a model using only the .stl or the .gcode files.  You will need to go back to the drafting process and adjust the pins.

Although I most often use a pin on one piece and a hole on the other piece of a mating surface, I've occasionally used holes in both and printed pins separately.

Postato : 15/02/2023 3:51 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes

speaking of 2.6 new reg pin feature.  There is an option to scale them when creating them but once committed to that, I don't see an option to rescale after the fact.

all within 2.6 as saved file

Postato : 15/02/2023 3:53 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes



You can do this using Negative Volumes if your in a pinch.

Postato : 15/02/2023 4:02 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes

would you mind explaining this a bit?


Postato : 15/02/2023 4:04 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes



In PrusaSlicer you can right click on your Object and from the menu select "Add Negative Volume" from that menu you can select the type of volume you want, for example a cylinder. you can scale and size the cylinder to your liking. The negative volume will act as a subtractive boolean. You can place them in the holes to make the holes larger. Likewise you can take one of the pins you made, duplicate it on the platter, right click on it, and change type to negative volume, then place it in the hole and subtract that size from the hole. I have not played with the new plugs and dowels feature in slicer as I'm a CADD user, but in CADD we normally add a bit of room for tolerance when producing such things, so if PrusaSlicer is doing that automatically you may want to experiment and see how much you need to subtract for proper fit. It's a very simple process. 

Postato : 16/02/2023 2:27 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Can registration pins be rescaled after the fact? need to reprint half the model and upscale the pin holes


btw, there is no way to modify the registration pins after size and placement has been confirmed within the new Cut Model/Add Edit Connectors feature (2.6)

you will need to import the model again and perform this action again.  Maybe editing after the fact will be added later.

I'll need to cut my pins off by hand and move forward

Postato : 16/02/2023 2:45 am