Can I re-start a print at a specific position after running out of filament?
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Can I re-start a print at a specific position after running out of filament?  

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Can I re-start a print at a specific position after running out of filament?

I run out of filament mid print and the printer didn't detect it so it continued until the "end" of the print without filament. I can tell fairly accurately where in the print I run out of filament. I wanted to restart the print where it stopped actually printing. I wanted to know if it was possible to do this with Prusa software.


I think I solved it with a very manual approach which might work but felt very tedious and error-prone:

1. identify where exactly the print stopped by comparing the toolhead preview to what I see printed. In my case it was at the step 154479 "G1 X93.069 Y133.317 E.0195" (see attachement)

2. convert the bgcode file to gcode (open a bgcode file, then File > convert...)

3. open the gcode file, find the line where the print stopped (there was only one line that was "G1 X93.069 Y133.317 E.0195")

4. copy everything after this line to a new file, and delete from the original file. The new file has the instruction to complete the print, but it still need "set up" instructions (temperature etc)

5. From the original gcode file (which has been truncated):

    - identify the gcode symbol on the last line. 

    - See what it does (using this site, googling). If it looks like you might need it (I think pretty much anything other than the homing sequence) copy this last line over to the top of the new file, and remove all its occurrences in the original file.

    - repeat until there is nothing left in the original file.


I now have a gcode file that contains both the setup instructions, and everything to complete the print. Without touching the print plate (Important! I removed the homing sequence, I need the printer to know its current position) change the filament, and start a print with the edited gcode file.




Napsal : 25/07/2024 4:32 pm