Building PrusaSlicer for MacOS
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Building PrusaSlicer for MacOS  

New Member
Building PrusaSlicer for MacOS

I'm a total noob to cmake and the process of building binaries in general. I'm interested in trying to learn such things by making small changes to PrusaSlicer and building it myself. To start I wanted to build a normal, stable version of the program. I followed the instructions in the documentation to build PrusaSlicer for Mac. I built the dependencies without error and ran through the process of building the slicer itself, again it seemed to go fine. However, now I cannot find an executable application anywhere!

Am I missing something in order to build the executable? Is it hiding somewhere in the file system or somewhere else on my computer?


Thanks in advance!!

Postato : 07/04/2020 8:45 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Building PrusaSlicer for MacOS

Update, I found the Unix Exectuable and was able to run PrusaSlicer. But I have a couple of questions:

1. When I run that executable it pops a terminal window with some readouts and additionally opens the application in a separate window. Why is this what happens instead of just loading the application like when I download a formal release?

2. I get this error when I load the executable:

[2020-04-07 13:56:05.148537] [0x000000011815a5c0] [error]   3dx drivers module loading error: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionClient.framework/3DconnexionClient, 5): image not found

Is this something to be concerned about/how would it be fixed?

Postato : 07/04/2020 9:00 pm
Vojtěch Bubník
Utenti Admin
RE: Building PrusaSlicer for MacOS


[2020-04-07 13:56:05.148537] [0x000000011815a5c0] [error]   3dx drivers module loading error: dlopen(/Library/Frameworks/3DconnexionClient.framework/3DconnexionClient, 5): image not found

No, this is perfectly fine. It tells you that you have no 3DConnexion drivers installed.


Postato : 08/04/2020 12:39 pm