Bridging layer on top of infill not connecting to perimeters/solid infill
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[Resuelto] Bridging layer on top of infill not connecting to perimeters/solid infill  

Active Member
Bridging layer on top of infill not connecting to perimeters/solid infill

I am printing on a newly built Voron 2.4 using prusaslicer 2.5.0. The printer has a 0.6mm nozzle and I'm slicing for 0.2mm layer heights. Prints are all Amazon Basics PLA for now.

I'm experiencing a large number of print failures due to the bridge layer over my parts infill not binding to the adjacent structure. When it does this it creates globs or fingers of filament, some of which reach up and catch my extruder when it does fast moves and causes lost steps ending in shifted layers. I know I could probably tackle this a few ways but I'm focused on the slicing settings right now. I'm using the suggested voron 2.4 350 profiles with pressure advance and extrusion multiplier already tuned pretty well. I independently tried increasing my z hop, slightly raising print temp, reducing bridge speed, and probably a few things I have forgotten to no avail.

Is this just a normal issue for 0.6mm nozzles? I have printed almost exclusively with 0.4 in the past and have never encountered this. What print settings would you recommend I play with to address this? It seems like there should be an overlap setting but that only seems to exist for perimeters and is not useful in this case. I tried varying that setting widely and the bridge moves were completely unaffected.

Best Answer by cTallakson:

Deselecting ensure vertical shell thickness did the trick. Seems like now that we have arachne it would be a natural progression to just modify the inner wall thickness to ensure vertical shell thickness instead of using solid infill. That way it's actually part of the shell and the print order isn't changed.

Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 2 years por cTallakson
Respondido : 27/10/2022 3:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bridging layer on top of infill not connecting to perimeters/solid infill

I think I have solved this but can't test it until I get my printer stable again. I started messing with macros while I noodled on this. It seems like it is a result of ensure vertical shell thickness being turned on. When enabled this setting adds solid infill to increase the thickness of walls that are sloped in my model which is characteristic of the layer I am having the issues with. The solid infill prints AFTER the bridging infill though so the bridging infill has nothing to hold onto on all sides. Seems like an order of operations that should be swapped if this really is the issue. Hopefully I'll try it out tomorrow and post an update.

Respondido : 29/10/2022 11:32 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Bridging layer on top of infill not connecting to perimeters/solid infill

Respondido : 29/10/2022 11:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:

Deselecting ensure vertical shell thickness did the trick. Seems like now that we have arachne it would be a natural progression to just modify the inner wall thickness to ensure vertical shell thickness instead of using solid infill. That way it's actually part of the shell and the print order isn't changed.

Respondido : 30/10/2022 4:07 am