Auto-center still happening as models are added
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Auto-center still happening as models are added  

Ken Burkhart
Active Member
Auto-center still happening as models are added

I'm doing multicolor using multiple models(single extruder, just using multiple prints to achieve it.

My issue is that I have multiple stls.  If I bring them in, they always center on  the bed in the slicer, even with auto-center off.  Now, I can move them around after that, which is good, but I don't want them to center at all.  It is a pain trying to figure out the exact coordinates where they go.

The only easy way to make that happen is to fiddle with doing groups, and then either removing parts after the fact or disabling slicing of those parts(by making them modifiers, etc...  When adding as parts to a group, the models keep the positions I have in the stls...but if I add them seperately, they autocenter, even if they are not in the center in the stl(confirmed that by opening the model in Blender).

So, what I'm looking for is if there is a setting I'm missing(which would be nice), but auto-center isn't it because that only applies after the model is imported and not upon import.  If that isn't something that exists, then I would suggest either to change auto-center to stop happening on model import, or a separate setting to control it(would be optimal).

Napsal : 26/04/2020 7:52 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added

All models added individually get placed in the middle of the bed.  There is no settings for that.  Autocentre is just an annoyance that doesnt let you move then after you have added them, turn it off and forget about it.  The only way to is to import it all as one object.  If you have blender just arrange them how you want and saved the selected as a new stl and import that.  Sorry thats the way it works as if there are any offset co-ords as part of the model Slicer doesnt use them, at least not with stl files.  

Dont know about stuff saved as amf/other formats though.  I would imagine if you could save them as 3mf then they would as that seems to store all manner of extra info which slicer does use as thats its own format for saving.

Napsal : 26/04/2020 9:23 pm
Ken Burkhart
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added


Indeed, that is the behaviour I'm seeing...I'm posting here because I think there should be a setting that makes the model keep the exact position as it has in the stl instead of centering on import.  I know it can be done because if you add the parts onto a group the positions stay.  The reason it matters is that I'm doing multiple prints without removing the parts from the bed so the parts need to stay put where I put them in the modeller(Fusion 360).

Napsal : 26/04/2020 9:40 pm
Ken Burkhart
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added

Feel free to merge this post with the other one since I can't edit it.

My "workaround" for this has been to load models into a group, position them correctly, and then delete all but one of them.  Then I slice it, add the next, and delete the first.  Since the group never disappears, the orientation transform stays the same, and since I'm using a group, the models load in without the auto-centering crap.  It sucks to have to do it as a workaround, but it is what it is.

That leads me to another suggestion that may or may not be viable.  If I could have an "eye" icon on each of the parts of a group(instead of only the whole), this workaround would be a little better since I could toggle the model from affecting the slicing without actually having to remove it from the group.

Napsal : 26/04/2020 10:17 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added

Hi Kenneth, if you raise your ideas on the Prusa Slicer Github, the devs may consider adding them to future builds of the software. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Napsal : 26/11/2020 11:00 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added


Kenneth when you import the group of parts into slicer cant you use the split to objects option ?  That way each part then gets the normal print/dont print icon.

Any chance of zipping up a example stl that you are importing and attaching it here so I can have a play with various options.

Napsal : 26/11/2020 2:27 pm
RE: Auto-center still happening as models are added

I am not sure I understand, but when they center the prints, have you tried hitting shift-A to arrange them?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 26/11/2020 2:45 pm