Any way to disable "combine infill" effect on support material?
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[Rozwiązany] Any way to disable "combine infill" effect on support material?  

Eminent Member
Any way to disable "combine infill" effect on support material?

The "Combine Infill" setting is obviously for the infill, I understand this.
To quote the knowledge base:

Different layer height will be used for infill and for perimeters in order to speed up the print without sacrificing the print quality.
Example: Combine infill every 3 layers, layer height 0.1 mm, infill will be printed at 0.3 mm layer height.

But PrusaSlicer seems to automatically do this for the support material too & there isn't a setting for changing or disabling it.

My problem is, I'm using a 0.25mm E3D nozzle & the support material is combining,
resulting in trying to print layers 0.49 thick when the rest of the print is at 0.12.

As you can imagine, my printer isn't handling this very well & prints are failing because the supports are a fragile mess.
In the printer profile, the Max & Min heights are set at 0.5 & 0.25, nozzle diameter is set at 0.25,
so why is the slicer churning out layers nearly 0.5mm thick?

Included is a photo of some messy supports that are only just holding together.

Opublikowany : 26/07/2020 12:01 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Any way to disable "combine infill" effect on support material?

WELL. I just figured this out while re-reading my own post.

I had set the max & min layer heights as

0.5 to 0.25

I had missed out the "0", it should have been

0.05 to 0.25

Apologies for the unnecessary post, but if nothing else it did help me come to a solution.

Opublikowany : 26/07/2020 12:06 pm