Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
I've actually had to revert to using Cura for certain prints in order to get good supports.
I'm designing some brackets which need small letter box type cut-outs for SD Cards and USB and I just can't get the supports to work in PrusaSlicer. It prints fine but getting them off is a nightmare and I end up either breaking the build or they leave plastic behind which means it doesn't work. Cura seems to just put a thin zig zag in the hole itself which means the hole prints fine and these are very easy to remove, whereas PrusaSlicer builds an entire structure around the hole which is the complete opposite.
I've no problems in just using Cura for these prints but am wondering if there any tips to get something similar to Cura in PrusaSlicer?
RE: Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
First, I'd make sure you use settings that make it easier to remove supports:
0.25mm z distance
3mm pattern spacing
4 interface layers
75% xy distance
0.2mm interface layer spacing
Second, PrusaSlicer is very aggressive in how it builds supports. If you need supports just inside a hole or slot, use support enforcers but make sure they don't overlap the edges of the hole or cutout, or you'll end up with the structures you mentioned. Or use paint on supports. And again, make sure there's no overlap with the edges of the cutout.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
Do you use Interface loops?
RE: Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
Do you use Interface loops?
Yeah I tried pretty much all of the options. Will try the paint one next but it might be tricky as the hole is very thin.
RE: Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
Never used interface loops. Didn't even know they existed...
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Any tips for getting easy to remove supports for letter box holes
You can turn off the interface layers and reduce vertical separation a bit ... that generally helps with removability. But it depends on the hole size vs support spacing.
I always question if support is really needed.
Holes of up to a centimeter diameter I just print without support.
I was surprised that even more than 1cm can be printed horizontally "into the air" for printing top closing of free space of a cube.
I tested that overhang of 70° works without issues even endless (stairway to heaven):