Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
I have recently got a Prusa Mini and do not have any experience of Prusa Slicer. I have a model that requires a bridge in a square, on two sides of the model the bridging takes the long route (which is preferred) but the other two sides try and bridge from side to side (effectively in mid air) and this leaves lots of filament hanging from the model. Is there anyway to set the bridging direction on different parts of the same layer?
Best Answer by Neophyl:
Use a modifier to set the bridging angle in the area where you want it to be different to the ‘global’ setting.
RE: Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
Use a modifier to set the bridging angle in the area where you want it to be different to the ‘global’ setting.
RE: Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
I was surprised to find that that PrusaSlicer doesn't use whatever angle produced the shortest "lines". I guess there must be some inherent difficulty in implementing this.
RE: Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
The global setting is Auto, where it tries to pick the best direction and it does/can change on different layers. However it has trouble if different areas on the same layer require different angles for best printing as it seems to pick' an angle and apply that on the whole layer.
That's where manually setting a bridging angle comes in and human judgement is still better than computer at this point. Till it all gets AI driven anyway 🙂
RE: Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
If I leave Bridging Angle to 0 (the default) in at least one case a simple bridge only in the X plane didn't pick the best direction. Perhaps I'm misunderstanding what the best direction is?
RE: Adjust Bridging direction throughout model
At least with my model all of the bridges will be the same direction (Default angle: 0). If the angle is zero that means it won't change depending on which bridge it is. That's what my original question was asking. Neophyl's solution worked great, adding a new modifier and changing the bridge angle for that section of the model.