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Adding Text
I've been looking at how to add Text to the image. Of course, I want to make it so it's 3d-ish on the image in a certain spot. I've looked for how to do this, but as of yet haven't figured it out. I do know a lot more about PrusaSlicer now though!
Napsal : 01/09/2021 10:06 pm
Prusa Slicer is a SLICER. For text you need some CAD software to generate the text for PS to slice. However if you are using CAD to generate the solid shapes of your text then you might as well alter the actual model to incorporate the text in the first place. It will be more precise.
Napsal : 01/09/2021 10:33 pm
Topic starter
Thank you!
I get it! I will look for a CAD Program to do this! Thanks for the info. I was looking to stay with PrusaSlicer, but it's what it is. A Slicer! Need something else for the extra part!
Napsal : 01/09/2021 10:53 pm