Adding a new tab to the "Print Settings" menu
Hi guys! Sorry, I know this is not really a place for developers' discussions and the github issues would probably be a better option, but still...
I am trying to add a tab and some new variables to "Print Setings" menu by modifying the libslic3r_gui/Tab and libslic3r/PrintConfig cpp and hpp files. The source code builds successfully and I can see my own created tab, but after trying to open it I get an exception at libslic3r_gui/OptionsGroup.cpp: (case coFloat:{double val = opt->type == coFloats ? ...}). I have checked various types of variables and everything seems to be correct, but this exception haunts me every time.
Maybe someone has a similar experience and can guide me a little. Thank you very much!! -Alex
Not trying to be discouraging, but this forum is populated by newb's. You stand a much better chance of getting the help you need on GitHub, although in all honesty , it seems to be massively populated by newb's based on the invite of prusa as well, so it might be best for you on the SuperSlicer forums with Supermerill.