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Add plate to project  

Trusted Member
Add plate to project

I just installed the 2.9.0-beta1 and noticed in the release notes some points about a project having multiple plates.

I cannot find any reference in how to add a plate to a project.  It may have been in a previous release and I could have missed it.

Any help would be appreciated. 

Teamwork, Steve

Best Answer by Neophyl:

From the 2.9 Alpha release notes -
"Multiple beds (#10704)

It is now possible to work with multiple beds in the scene. This allows the user to handle more complicated projects (which do not fit a single bed) more easily than before. This feature is already known to BambuStudio users (the implementation in PrusaSlicer is completely independent).

Beds handling

To make the workflow fluid and not intrusive to users using only a single bed, there are no buttons to add or remove beds. A new bed is offered anytime you are dragging an object outside of bed for more than 1 second (unless the object is dragged to the new bed position faster, in which case it shows up immediately). This allows to create a bed and place an object on it in a single operation. The beds are placed in a compact grid pattern, with a hard limit of 9 beds. One bed is always set as active, which is controlled by left-clicking it. Operations such as "Import STL" and similar are processed on the active bed. The individual beds can be thought of as almost independent projects, each having its own set of color changes, its own wipe tower and so on. Currently the only limitation is that all the beds must use the same configuration (i.e. you cannot have an MK4 bed next to a MINI)."

If you are going to use pre-release software please DO read the release notes.  In fact please read release notes for any software you use, released or not.

Opublikowany : 17/12/2024 6:15 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Add plate to project

From the 2.9 Alpha release notes -
"Multiple beds (#10704)

It is now possible to work with multiple beds in the scene. This allows the user to handle more complicated projects (which do not fit a single bed) more easily than before. This feature is already known to BambuStudio users (the implementation in PrusaSlicer is completely independent).

Beds handling

To make the workflow fluid and not intrusive to users using only a single bed, there are no buttons to add or remove beds. A new bed is offered anytime you are dragging an object outside of bed for more than 1 second (unless the object is dragged to the new bed position faster, in which case it shows up immediately). This allows to create a bed and place an object on it in a single operation. The beds are placed in a compact grid pattern, with a hard limit of 9 beds. One bed is always set as active, which is controlled by left-clicking it. Operations such as "Import STL" and similar are processed on the active bed. The individual beds can be thought of as almost independent projects, each having its own set of color changes, its own wipe tower and so on. Currently the only limitation is that all the beds must use the same configuration (i.e. you cannot have an MK4 bed next to a MINI)."

If you are going to use pre-release software please DO read the release notes.  In fact please read release notes for any software you use, released or not.

Opublikowany : 17/12/2024 6:31 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Add plate to project

Wow!  Thank you.  Funny thing is that I probably would have run into that accidentally.  I constantly move groups of objects off the bed that all have the same filament color and this feature is perfect for my type of work.

I read the notes for 9.0 beta1 thinking that those notes would include everything for 9.0, not realizing that the alpha1 notes were separate.  Understood about reading release notes, I just have to make sure I read the right ones.

Thank you and teamwork,



Opublikowany : 17/12/2024 7:44 pm