Add a brim around spports
I want to add a brim around my support. is there a option for this? i tired the search function but could find it. I searched google and there was a setting mentioned called 'enable brim support', but couldnt find it.
RE: Add a brim around spports
You can increase First layer expansion in the Support material section of your print settings (Expert mode only) but I'm not aware of a simple setting to force a true brim around supports.
Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...
RE: Add a brim around spports
There is no brim option specifically for supports. Brims are a Object only function and are not applied to supports at all. Not sure what google search you used or where the answer came from but PS has never had that setting or function. A quick search shows that it is a Cura setting.
However the first layer of supports can be made larger. That is controlled by a settings called First Layer Expansion, located in Print Settings>Support Material. Its a Red/Expert level setting so you need to be in Expert mode to see it. Most default profiles have it set to 3mm.
Personally I have mine set to zero as with dialled in live Z and a clean bed there's no real need to make it larger. However for those that don't have adequate bed adhesion for whatever reason the setting is there.