Actually absolute extruder positioning behavior
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Actually absolute extruder positioning behavior  

New Member
Actually absolute extruder positioning behavior

I've noticed that, even when I'm using absolute positioning, PrusaSlicer automatically  resets the extruder's position to 0 every time it inserts a retraction. I've read through the rationale for the behavior:

FDM printer firmware usually keeps an absolute extruder axis position using a single precision float representation, which leads to a loss of accuracy if the extruder axis is not resetted regularly. In extruder absolute mode 'G92 E0 is issued at each retraction by PrusaSlicer, while in extruder relative mode it is newly enforced, that either layer_gcode or before_layer_gcode contains 'G92 E0'. On the other side, in extruder absolute mode, 'G92 E0' in layer change custom G-code breaks slicer's assumption leading to horrible over-extrusions, thus 'G92 E0' is newly tested for and prohibited with extruder absolute addressing #6336 #5073.

I understand why this approach has been taken, but my custom built machine doesn't have that problem, and the GCode processing firmware it runs (which is closed source) fails to complete some files because of a bug that prevents the resetting of the part coordinate system in some cases, which the vendor has not yet been able to identify. Is there a way to tell PrusaSlicer "I really do trust the encoder on my extruder axis, so please only zero that axis at the start of a print"?

I understand that I can go through a custom postprocessor, but if there's any built-in way to achieve this behavior that is obviously preferable.

Napsal : 04/10/2022 3:34 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Actually absolute extruder positioning behavior


Posted by: @mattaccelerate3d-com

I understand that I can go through a custom postprocessor, but if there's any built-in way to achieve this behavior that is obviously preferable.

This, maybe.... (Haven't tried it)

Prusa i3 MK3S+ FW 3.11.0 (kit dec -20), PrusaSlicer 2.6.1+win64, Fusion 360, Windows 10

Napsal : 04/10/2022 4:32 pm