ABS Supports are difficult to remove verses PLA
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ABS Supports are difficult to remove verses PLA  

Active Member
ABS Supports are difficult to remove verses PLA

I have done a lot of searching on this topic but can find very little information on it. 

  • Original Prusa i3 MK3S
  • HatchBox 1.75mm ABS
  • Custom 3D printer enclosure
  • .4mm nozzle

My assumption is that supports on ABS are just intrinsically more difficult to remove than PLA due to the characteristics of the ABS material versus PLA? I think this is due to the fact that ABS is more compliant (elasticity) than PLA; in other words, PLA is slightly more brittle than ABS and therefore its support snaps away from the model more easily than ABS. It could also be a heat issue in that the ABS is not cooling enough at those last layers of support and the object. I'm currently experimenting with different support settings in PrusaSlicer to try and make supports more easily removed for ABS. BTW, I have tried organic supports and they are no easier to remove than rectilinear supports when used with ABS especially when the overhang is less than 10 deg.  

I have attached my test model which I'm currently using to experiment with settings.

I would love to hear from anyone that is also wrestling with this issue and have been able to make some improvements thru settings etc. My settings for PLA work very well when it comes to easy support removal, and because of this, I use PLA whenever possible, but there are times when ABS is imperative for the printed part that I'm trying to build because of its material properties. 

thanks in advance


Opublikowany : 28/06/2023 7:42 pm