2-colour print stopped after done with priming?
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2-colour print stopped after done with priming?  

Eminent Member
2-colour print stopped after done with priming?

PS 2.3.0 beta2 on Windows 10 64-bit

Ender 5 Pro, Duet Wifi board, 2 extruders (RepRap)

I want to print a 2-colour test cube.

No problem with slicing and I think settings for each extruder is good. In Preview-mode the whole print is displayed and has 125 layers.

After sending file to printer it homed, did ABL, printed the line to the left of the bed and the little strip as on the picture. I would say it stopped after the priming.

After this it made a "blub" sound on my PC and stopped there. On Duet web UI I noticed that it switched off the hotend for both tools as well as the bed.

Where do I start looking? I am 4 months into 3D printing and a couple of days with PS. I don't know what to look for in the g-code. I am sure it is something small but not sure what to look for. There was no error. Only this message was displayed on the UI of Duet:

Finished printing file 0:/gcodes/dual_extrusion_calibration_cube_5_part_1.gcode, print time was 0h 5m

For some reason it thinks it finished the job.

Please advise and also please tell me if and what information you need from me to assist.

Thank you very much.

Postato : 12/12/2020 10:32 am
Illustrious Member
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?

Im afraid way more useful information is needed if you are to have any hope of help.

For a start we would need your saved project file that you used to generate the gcode.  Also the gcode that was actually uploaded to your printer would also be handy (if you can copy that from the printer that would be even better).

In PS use File>Save Project.  This will save a .3mf file.  The 3mf file contains all your print, filament and printer profile settings, as well as the model(s) and any modifiers or colour changes etc you used.  You MUST zip up the 3mf file (and gcode) into an archive or the forum wont accept the file types.

With the saved project we can slice and preview and check everything with all the same settings you used.

As a pure wild ass guess I'd first suspect that the duet is not set up for the colour change gcode used and so it doesnt know what to do with it. 

Postato : 12/12/2020 12:51 pm
deonholt hanno apprezzato
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?


Thank you so very much. I exported and attached the *.3MF file. 

I am a total newbie with g-code  so I cannot really interpreted everything. To me it looks like it stops somewhere after the priming is done:

M220 S100
G1 X4.400 Y0.260 F7200


G1 X4.400 Y0.260
; Filament gcode

G4 S0
G1 X64.400 E2.6908 F800
G1 X63.650 Y0.760 E0.0404
G1 X4.400 E2.6572 F900
G1 X5.150 Y1.260 E0.0404
G1 X63.650 E2.6236 F1100
G1 Y1.760 E0.0224
G1 X5.150 E2.6236 F2100
G1 X63.650 F7200
G1 X4.900 Y2.510
M572 D1 S0
G1 F2000
G1 Y3.010 F2400
G4 S0
G1 X64.400 Y0.260 F7200

Thank you so much.

Postato : 12/12/2020 1:20 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?

Here is the file now. Had to ZIP it.

Attachment removed
Postato : 12/12/2020 1:21 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?

I did say you have to zip up files for the forum 🙂

Ok, Duet version of reprap is different from Marlin which I'm more familiar with and as I mentioned in a previous post I don't have a multi extruder setup.  But.......

Firstly, change your extrusion widths to not be % values.  You do realise that your first layer extrusion width is set to 0.18mm ?  Percentage based extrusion values are based on layer HEIGHT, not nozzle diameter.  So your 90% is 0.2 x 0.9 = 0.18mm. 

That's not the issue here but it will probably cause you issues when it gets to printing.

What I **think** is causing you problems is on line 143 of the gcode (on the one I sliced from your project).

It looks like it does a small prime for Tool 0 (a couple of back/forth lines).  Then it tool changes to Tool 1 and does a lot more back and forth lines for that tool.  It then retracts 7mm , beeps once (M300 command) and then it gets to line 143.

Line 143 has the following -  M1 S10.  From what I read on the duet reprap page https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Gcode#Section_M1_Sleep_or_Conditional_stop
That's a stop/sleep command that turns off heaters etc.  Where its coming from I have no idea as yet.  I cant find it or the M300 beep command but it looks like I can only access one of the filament profiles in the project.  You dont have anything in the custom gcode for the filaments do you ?


Looking at other general items in your profile I noticed.
Printer>custom gcode sections you have Colour change defined as M600 which is looks like duet reprap *should* support but you have pause defined as M601 which it looks like it doesn't support.  M226 looks like it could be the pause command code.

Postato : 12/12/2020 2:50 pm
deonholt hanno apprezzato
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?


Thank you very much again.

I think you nailed it with line 143.

I will also change the % to mm.

Before I do that, I am going to remove line 143, upload to printer and try again. I will update about the outcome.

I REALLY, REALLY appreciate your help. I have learned a lot from you, not only from your replies to my posts, but others as well. 👏

Postato : 12/12/2020 7:58 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?


Thanks very much. Line 143 was the problem. I removed it but I have just noticed that it still switches off the hotend.

I think I must check the box in the attached screenshot.

Postato : 12/12/2020 8:18 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: 2-colour print stopped after done with priming?
Posted by: @neophyl

Ok, Duet version of reprap is different from Marlin which I'm more familiar with and as I mentioned in a previous post I don't have a multi extruder setup.  But.......

You dont have anything in the custom gcode for the filaments do you ?

Thanks again.

I have another profile for my exact same printer BUT with one extruder ... and this prints perfect. No stop no problems at all.

No, no g-code for filament.

I have just re-sliced and exported the g-code and removed M1 S10 and uploaded.

And it prints good ... so far. Busy with Layer #1 and it looks beautiful.

Only thing to figure out now, is how to prep the two extruders for printing. This is what I do:

1. Warm up nozzle and bed.
2. Pull back filament on Extruder 2 (T1) back by hand a long way.
3. T0 and push in filament on Extruder 1 (T0) till filament comes out.
4. G1 E-90 F500 (Pull back filament 90mm.)
5. T1 (select extruder #2)
6. Push in filament by hand until it comes out at nozzle.
7. G1 E-90 F500 (Pull back filament 90mm.)
8. T0 (Select extruder #1)
9. G1 E90 F500 (Feed the 90mm back that was retracted.)
10. Run g-code.

Will you please confirm or correct me where necessary?

Thanks a million. I appreciate your help.

Postato : 13/12/2020 9:16 am