2.6.1 Mac OS Pock Mark Errors
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2.6.1 Mac OS Pock Mark Errors  

2.6.1 Mac OS Pock Mark Errors

Updated to PS 2.6.1 Mac OS, ever since have had horrid pock marks at seam joints. Printer is a Funmat HT with Bondtech extruder, copperhead break, Diamondback and Olsson nozzles. Problem persists with all materials.

Filament is very dry, have tried all seam placement settings with no luck, E steps/tension/vol flow all calibrated, nozzle and heat break clean as a whistle, X/Y/Z all clean as a whistle. Was printing flawlessly before the update, not sure why the same exact print profiles are suddenly doing this ceaselessly.

I'm playing around with retraction settings currently, though it's very curious all the same. Not sure if something got reset or a default was nudged between the updates, but I suspect so. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

Napsal : 13/09/2023 3:28 pm