2.3.0 ironing "All solid surfaces" broken?
I've been anxious for PS 2.3.0, as I wanted to try ironing "all solid surfaces" with transparent filament. 2.3.0 still seems broken - when i select that, the preview indicates it is only ironing the topmost surface; i didn't bother to actually print it.
RE: 2.3.0 ironing "All solid surfaces" broken?
Ironing only applies to flat, top surfaces. The surfaces identified in the slicer as "Top solid infill". See the Prusa knowledge base for a full description of how the feature works.
In my tests, it has worked well, even for the limitations it has. Top surfaces are about as smooth as the bottom surfaces.
RE: 2.3.0 ironing "All solid surfaces" broken?
Yes it is broken currently. See https://github.com/prusa3d/PrusaSlicer/issues/5703
RE: 2.3.0 ironing "All solid surfaces" broken?
Thanks, I totally misunderstood this in the OP's question. The knowledge base article I referenced even mentions that the All Solid Surfaces option isn't working.
All solid surfaces
This option is not working properly at the moment.
Every layer will get an ironing pass. An experimental feature meant to be used with 100% infill to create clearer transparent objects.
RE: 2.3.0 ironing "All solid surfaces" broken?
@egar, sorry if I wasn't completely clear in my question. @neophyl - thanks for the GitHub link. Good to know it's in the queue - i'll just chill until a fix is released.
Thanks guys.