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STEP or IGES files  

Ocie Ward
STEP or IGES files

I always upload STEP files of my designs to Thingiverse to make it easier for other to modify them for their own purposes. Of course, I can still do that on TV and then link to that in PrusaPrinters, but it would be nice to have the option to add STEP or IGES files here as well.

Ocie Ward
Staff Mechanical Engineer, Enphase Energy
Printing since 2014
Printers: UltPrusa (duet), MK3, MK2 (zaribo 320), MPSM V1, MPSM V2, MPMD
CAD: Solidworks
Slicer: S3D (mostly), Slic3rPE (occasionally)

Publié : 13/12/2018 8:47 pm
EngScott2076 a aimé
Dom Cis
Re: STEP or IGES files

Hi Ocie,
Our primarly goal was to make 3D printing more accesible to the beginners ...and so provide them with gcodes...or 3mf (which includes printing setting as well) ...and the finally could slice on their own. We do not expect them to have a 3D modeling software and the skills to modify the models.

But yes, you are right. Why not - the websites should work for everyone, not just the new users. And anyway, the communities will be built around the experienced users. If the sites will be complex, but still easy to use, it is win win. I will check with the dev guys what would it meant to include other files as well.

Publié : 19/12/2018 5:27 pm
Active Member
RE: STEP or IGES files


Was there ever more information on this?  It would be nice to have STEP and/or IGES files available to more easily make modifications.  A bonus would be to have Fusion360 files.

Publié : 21/04/2021 2:48 pm
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