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The Core One Kit Waiting List  

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Prominent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

The Core One Kits are ready to ship. The only holdup at the moment is with the actual build guide, which is being polished and finished off. They will not dispatch the kits until the build guide is completely finished. 

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 25/02/2025 9:53 am
M-VASION liked
Topic starter answered:
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I would guess that is oen of the most time consuming parts of making a kit.  

Posted by: @iftibashir

The Core One Kits are ready to ship. The only holdup at the moment is with the actual build guide, which is being polished and finished off. They will not dispatch the kits until the build guide is completely finished. 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 25/02/2025 10:09 am
Honorable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

You could send it out anyway.
I swear I won't assemble it until the instructions are ready. 😇 

Posted : 25/02/2025 10:14 am
Prominent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List


It takes me the best part of 3 weeks to create a video build guide. That's 3 weeks of solid full-time work. The first week is just scripting everything up and prepping, then a week or so to build the printer itself (because of having to stop, reframe shots, capture, etc), before editing all the videos together. And that was with the MK4s - so a printer I was already familiar with after building the MK4. With the Core One it could be longer. So I can appreciate the amount of time taken in just creating static shots for the build guide that Prusa release - it has to be as close to perfect upon the first release as possible.

Posted by: @cwbullet

I would guess that is oen of the most time consuming parts of making a kit.  

Posted by: @iftibashir

The Core One Kits are ready to ship. The only holdup at the moment is with the actual build guide, which is being polished and finished off. They will not dispatch the kits until the build guide is completely finished. 



Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 25/02/2025 10:16 am
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @iftibashir

The Core One Kits are ready to ship. The only holdup at the moment is with the actual build guide, which is being polished and finished off. They will not dispatch the kits until the build guide is completely finished. 

You seem to have inside knowledge -- have they actually physically packed up the first batch of kits and are waiting to hand the boxes over to DHL or Fedex, or do they have the materials in house and the instruction-writing may still influence how they are packed? (E.g. how to group parts in bags etc.)

I have delayed adding an accelerometer to my order since I was hoping that Prusa might still see the light and decide to make it a standard component... I should probably add it anyway, its not a huge extra cost.

Posted : 25/02/2025 10:19 am
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

It is still baffling to me that a company can release and take orders for a product that has no manual for assembly. Granted it takes time, but seems like they're doing things a bit back to front? I'm new to 3D printing and Prusa, but this seems to be the way they do things and people don't mind. I've said it before, I'm in no rush, but at this point there is a few things that vex me in how these printers are released.

Posted : 25/02/2025 11:28 am
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @scotttomo

It is still baffling to me that a company can release and take orders for a product that has no manual for assembly. Granted it takes time, but seems like they're doing things a bit back to front? I'm new to 3D printing and Prusa, but this seems to be the way they do things and people don't mind. I've said it before, I'm in no rush, but at this point there is a few things that vex me in how these printers are released.

I think this goes back to Prusa's origins in the Reprap community. It was not so much a classical "product" Jo Prusa started with, but a kit resulting from a joint development effort. They have traditionally been very open about their development efforts, sharing the results as open source and giving early visibility into the progress. This bought them a lot of trust and goodwill with their customers.

I don't have a fundamental concern about announcing a product early and taking orders, as long as they are transparent about the planned timelines and the level of risk that they might slip. But taking full payment in advance is pushing it, for my taste.

Anyway, no-one is forced to order that early. One can always decide to wait until the product is actually shipping and real user reviews get published. (Of which we still don't see many for the Core One at the moment.) Again, all good as long as Prusa is open about the timing and risk when they start taking orders. 

For the kit in particular, it makes sense to me that instructions for kit-building can only be finalized after Prusa have gained some experience with building these printers in quantity. There are bound to be some surprises during the assembly, e.g. with unfavorable tolerance stack-ups. An experienced team of build and QA technicians can (hopefully) catch and fix these on the go, but a one-off builder of a kit needs to be alerted to them in the instructions.  


Posted : 25/02/2025 12:26 pm
Scotttomo and Brian liked
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Ok so it looks like the delivery won't start until April


Posted : 25/02/2025 2:53 pm
Scotttomo liked
Active Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

If I understand correctly, that's their estimate if you order one now, considering the time it will take to ship orders already submitted.

Maker of things

Posted : 25/02/2025 3:01 pm
Prominent Member

The kits have been earmarked for individual orders (in the order they were placed), and the manual is being tweaked and finalised before the kits can actually ship. This is so that customers do not receive their shipments and not be able to build them, since any possible delay in the build guide would mean these customers cannot start their build, causing a lot more upset. It's just easier to try to stick to schedule (ie end Feb/Mar) and send customers kits when you can 'draw a line' and mark that order as complete rather than face later backlash. 

Ready-built printers are always shipped first since it gives Prusa a chance to build the units themselves, while getting rid of the newly built printers to the first batch of customers, and at the same time they are refining the build process and creating documentation. It's actually a pretty good system - just needs more efficiency in communication so that customers receive better schedules rather then feel like they're being kept in the dark......

Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @iftibashir

The Core One Kits are ready to ship. The only holdup at the moment is with the actual build guide, which is being polished and finished off. They will not dispatch the kits until the build guide is completely finished. 

You seem to have inside knowledge -- have they actually physically packed up the first batch of kits and are waiting to hand the boxes over to DHL or Fedex, or do they have the materials in house and the instruction-writing may still influence how they are packed? (E.g. how to group parts in bags etc.)

I have delayed adding an accelerometer to my order since I was hoping that Prusa might still see the light and decide to make it a standard component... I should probably add it anyway, its not a huge extra cost.


Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 25/02/2025 3:07 pm
gadget01 liked
Prominent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Thats for the assembled. Shipping for the assembled units is actively happening - that image shows that if you were to place an order right now it wouldn't ship until April, because they have a backlog of orders they are currently fulfilling and your order would be placed at the end of the queue......

Posted by: @drid-ghost

Ok so it looks like the delivery won't start until April



Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 25/02/2025 3:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

True, I overlooked it


I ordered on 31.01. 😉

Posted by: @iftibashir

Thats for the assembled. Shipping for the assembled units is actively happening - that image shows that if you were to place an order right now it wouldn't ship until April, because they have a backlog of orders they are currently fulfilling and your order would be placed at the end of the queue......

Posted by: @drid-ghost

Ok so it looks like the delivery won't start until April




Posted : 25/02/2025 3:12 pm
Scotttomo liked
Prominent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

Hopefully yours should be coming through soon!

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 25/02/2025 3:15 pm
Active Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

As the guy that creates the documentation/process guides at the office... i fully believe that. Which reminds me... they need updating :')

Posted : 03/03/2025 3:27 pm
Eminent Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

The delivery of assembled COREs originally ended on March 21st. There are only 3 days between the 8th and 9th batches, the 10th batch is not until April 1st. So personally, I would see it as follows (don't take my word for it, I'm just looking forward to it): March 18th shipment of the 9th batch, I assume the last of the big orders from the beginning. I assume that it will only take 3-4 days and then around March 25th the expedition of the kits could start. Until March 31st only the kits and from April 1st both versions. I think that Průša brilliantly handled the onslaught of assembled ones, (hopefully) he managed to compile the instructions for the kit and the logistics of assembling the kit.

Is it that logical?

Please excuse my writing style.

I am from the Czech Republic, I don't speak English, I translate using Google Translate

Posted : 04/03/2025 5:04 pm
Matt Boyer
Estimable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I ordered an upgrade kit on Feb 19.   I'll probably order a full Core One kit also in the next week or 2.

I currently have 3 MK3S (and a 5t XL) plus upgrade kits to MK4S for all 3.  So the plan is to install 2 of the MK4 kits, and jump straight to the Core One with the 3rd.  Then add a Core One kit to bring my fleet to a total of 5 printers.  I just need to find the time to build all these kits.

Posted : 04/03/2025 7:41 pm
Reputable Member
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List
Posted by: @mirek454

I assume that it will only take 3-4 days and then around March 25th the expedition of the kits could start. Until March 31st only the kits and from April 1st both versions. [...] Is it that logical?

You might be over-interpreting the shipping schedule. Maybe they are indeed giving the whole assembly team a week off at the end of March of taking them for a nice short vacation to compensate for the overtime in Q1? But otherwise I see no reason why shipping of the kit and the assembled version should be mutually exclusive. 

To me @iftibashir's take makes a lot of sense: Materials are available to serve both, kit and assembled printer orders. Capacity of the assembly team is what limits the rate of shipping assembled printers. Availability of the completed DIY instructions is what's gating the shipment of the first kits. The latter may happen at any time in March, or may slip into April if things don't go smoothly.

I would also like to get my kit sooner rather than later, but don't think there is much to be gained from reading the tea leaves... 😉 

Posted : 04/03/2025 7:49 pm
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I agree with Jürgen regarding over-interpreting the shipping schedule. I think that assembly team has to follow some instructions that should be a solid base for DIY instructions (the kit will come in packages that need to be referenced in the DIY instructions). I am not sure if we are waiting for polishing the instructions or logistic process of preparing the inside packages of the kit. I still hope that I get my kit in March 🙂 

Posted : 04/03/2025 9:15 pm
Pionator liked
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List


Posted : 05/03/2025 8:10 pm
RE: The Core One Kit Waiting List

I see they have a shipping schedule for assembled printers, but how does the kit shipping fit in with that?  Unfortunately I was not aware that I could order a kit until March 1, so I fear I am going to be waiting a few months.  Had the item on notify since January, but that didn't help me.

Posted : 06/03/2025 2:27 pm
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