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Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......  

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Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I could never bring myself to buy the bamboo machines.  The moment this was released I made my order.  I came here thinking there would already be a lot more chattering about it.   This will be my first Prusa.  I have been using my monoprice select minis for the past.. 8ish years or so?  Anyways, I am excited to finally go.. big and fast.   

Posted : 26/11/2024 12:40 am
dunnkirk, UjinDesign, gruagach and 1 people liked
Estimable Member

As I stated above,  I'm planning to upgrade at some point, even if it's not immediately after they become available.  

As I've pondered this upcoming change,  something has come to mind that I hadn't thought of previously.  No mention was made of a nozzle wiper on the Core One.  This is something that before now hasn't been as much of a possibility due to the fixed position X axis on our MK series printers. Now that we'll have a core XY motion system, I'm expecting that this may become a possibility.  As someone who prints primarily PETG, I see real value here in saving the few seconds before printing for checking/wiping the nozzle clean.  This is genuinely not a big deal, but would be a quality of life feature, if it works.  

For those of you with Bambu and other brand printers with nozzle wipers,  how well do they work for the stickier filaments like PETG?  Do you still have to pay attention to the nozzle every few prints, or clean build up out of the wiper etc?

It seems like since the X axis is being swapped for a linear guide, they should have been able to add the bit of extra length needed to clear the plate and make this a possibility... if not from the factory, perhaps as a user customization.



Posted : 26/11/2024 5:17 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

That's a good idea. I found the Mk4s to be super sensitive to anything stuck to the nozzle for getting a decent first layer for anything but PLA. Interestingly my XL not so. I've never made the connection to nozzle wiping but yes, having a wiper to take care of dirt on the nozzle prior to first layer calibration would be probably an improvement. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/11/2024 7:30 am
Pepan liked
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I have two MK3S and 3 MK4S.  I am not sure what to do as an upgrade path.  I will probably upgrade the Mk3S to 4S and the 4Ss to Core One.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 26/11/2024 11:33 am
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

That depends on what you need. I will convert my mk4s to core one especially for smaller footprint and filtration system. Now I am on my way to make filtration system for my custom enclosure from Tukkari and Prusa enclosure is too big for my place. Core one is perfect! So I will ditch filtration project and wait for Core one.

Posted : 26/11/2024 12:12 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @manelto

What I seem to understand from the images and from what Joseph says about the printer, is that the hole for the filament spool on the right (viewing the printer from the front) is fixed. That is, it cannot be placed on the left. It's a shame that they have thought that the door can open in both directions, depending on where the user works best, and they don't think that the placement of the filament spool should also have the same philosophy.

To be able to have the spool on the left, the dragchain must go to the left as well. Maybe that will be a possibilty to decide if you are building yourself from a kit (speculating), but most likely not. So there would be a lot more changes than just having the spool on the left.

Posted : 26/11/2024 12:28 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @teamd3dp

As I stated above,  I'm planning to upgrade at some point, even if it's not immediately after they become available.  

As I've pondered this upcoming change,  something has come to mind that I hadn't thought of previously.  No mention was made of a nozzle wiper on the Core One.  This is something that before now hasn't been as much of a possibility due to the fixed position X axis on our MK series printers. Now that we'll have a core XY motion system, I'm expecting that this may become a possibility.  As someone who prints primarily PETG, I see real value here in saving the few seconds before printing for checking/wiping the nozzle clean.  This is genuinely not a big deal, but would be a quality of life feature, if it works.  

For those of you with Bambu and other brand printers with nozzle wipers,  how well do they work for the stickier filaments like PETG?  Do you still have to pay attention to the nozzle every few prints, or clean build up out of the wiper etc?

It seems like since the X axis is being swapped for a linear guide, they should have been able to add the bit of extra length needed to clear the plate and make this a possibility... if not from the factory, perhaps as a user customization.



I have nozzle wipers on my XL and they work ok at best.  They will knock strings off, but it will not remove the blob that gets stuck to nozzle.  

I know it's been said over and over, but drying your filament and keeping it dry is your best bet.  I print directly from dry boxes and the buildup is not bad anymore, except for some colors, they seem to buildup no matter what.  White in particular is bad.  I suspect that the colors somehow make it sticker.  Black seems to perform the best. 

Btw I'm using the Bamboo nozzle wiper too.

Posted : 26/11/2024 1:01 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I have two MK3S and 3 MK4S.  I am not sure what to do as an upgrade path.  I will probably upgrade the Mk3S to 4S and the 4Ss to Core One.

I upgraded one of my Mk3S's to a Mk3.5 and couldn't be happier. Same rock solid performance but a fair bit faster. The others I upgraded to or replaced with Mk4S's and wish I hadn't. The most solid machines in my fleet right now are the Mk3.5 and my two Minis. The Mk4's I can't trust to reliably produce a good first layer. I hope that with the Core One I get back to confidence in the system. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/11/2024 1:11 pm
Razor liked
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

To be able to have the spool on the left, the dragchain must go to the left as well.

I wonder whether a spool on the left could feed forward and up across the front then back to mate with the stock tube.

Posted : 26/11/2024 6:28 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @teamd3dp

No mention was made of a nozzle wiper on the Core One. 

I'm quite happy not have one. I used to have one at Lulzbot. It did the job, but when I saw how Prusa wipes by over-extruding, I understood immediately how foolish wipers were.

I do suspect though that wiping at Mk4 was a little too stingy. The MK3S was more generous and the head looked better. The Mk4 adds a separate nozzle cleaning cycle, which is fine and all, but not a good reason the reduce the wiping over-extrusion as much as they did.

Posted : 26/11/2024 6:35 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I’m guessing the marketing took over on that whole first layer thing. Once you get it right once on the 3’s it was locked in solid. I’ve had all kinds of mixed results on my XL. Mostly good, but never as good as my 3 time and time again.

Posted by: @foxrun3d

I have two MK3S and 3 MK4S.  I am not sure what to do as an upgrade path.  I will probably upgrade the Mk3S to 4S and the 4Ss to Core One.

I upgraded one of my Mk3S's to a Mk3.5 and couldn't be happier. Same rock solid performance but a fair bit faster. The others I upgraded to or replaced with Mk4S's and wish I hadn't. The most solid machines in my fleet right now are the Mk3.5 and my two Minis. The Mk4's I can't trust to reliably produce a good first layer. I hope that with the Core One I get back to confidence in the system. 


Mini+MK3S+XL 5 Tool

Posted : 26/11/2024 6:39 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......


Posted by: @foxrun3d

The Mk4's I can't trust to reliably produce a good first layer.

We only print in Nylon, so it may be a factor, but I found Mk4 first layer to be better. However, it only worked with replacement "satin" sheet. Original sheet was delaminating, and at one point we used spare sheets that were used at Mk3S. In theory they should've been exactly the same, but perhaps we got a bad batch. With the current sheets we get perfect first layers on the Mk4. We use Prevailent as the first layer adhesive.

I'd try to use different steel sheets, see if that clears the first layer problem. Literally buy the same thing and it may be different in practice.

Posted : 26/11/2024 6:43 pm
Illustrious Member

I'd try to use different steel sheets, see if that clears the first layer problem. Literally buy the same thing and it may be different in practice.

Probably 6 or 7 satin and textured sheets across all printers, same results. Haven't used plain sheets for many years.  I usually can get a good first layer with PETG if I lower live z by -0.010 when the print starts but that really defeats the purpose of using a load cell and requires me to be present for it. I should say that with PLA the first layer is usually good 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 26/11/2024 7:01 pm
zaitcev liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

hope so 

Posted : 28/11/2024 8:01 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I am a total newbie on 3d printers, I ordered the pre assembled core one as my first printer.

I am aware the usual recommendation is to start with something simpler to not burry cost until you know the hobby will stick but I decided to ignore that and start with the core one. This thing will live in my workshop sharing the space with other thinkering toys and activities, that means that I really needed an enclosure just to keep it clean and running. Comparing to a 4s with an enclosure the core one seems to me like a good deal that ticked a lot if boxes.

the open design and upgrade paths is a big plus for me, that ruled out a lot of competition. Cost not being the top priority more or less sealed the choice. This forum seems healthy and together with a good reputation for great support this printer will hopefully be a good start learning to print.

i would have bought the kit if it was available, I expect there would be a lot of learnings from building the printer that now will come later and be more hard earned.

I don’t expect this to be a plug and play experience, I have lurked around the topic of 3d printing long enough to understand all printers need thinkering at some point. I think of the printer more as a platform than a finished product, I will need to modify it going forward to keep up with my projects. 

My learning path in 3d printing starts here.


Posted : 31/12/2024 11:19 am
Prominent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

Congrats and welcome aboard!

Posted by: @andhson

I am a total newbie on 3d printers, I ordered the pre assembled core one as my first printer.

I am aware the usual recommendation is to start with something simpler to not burry cost until you know the hobby will stick but I decided to ignore that and start with the core one. This thing will live in my workshop sharing the space with other thinkering toys and activities, that means that I really needed an enclosure just to keep it clean and running. Comparing to a 4s with an enclosure the core one seems to me like a good deal that ticked a lot if boxes.

the open design and upgrade paths is a big plus for me, that ruled out a lot of competition. Cost not being the top priority more or less sealed the choice. This forum seems healthy and together with a good reputation for great support this printer will hopefully be a good start learning to print.

i would have bought the kit if it was available, I expect there would be a lot of learnings from building the printer that now will come later and be more hard earned.

I don’t expect this to be a plug and play experience, I have lurked around the topic of 3d printing long enough to understand all printers need thinkering at some point. I think of the printer more as a platform than a finished product, I will need to modify it going forward to keep up with my projects. 

My learning path in 3d printing starts here.


Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Posted : 31/12/2024 5:11 pm
andhson liked
Estimable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I upgraded my original MK3 to the 3.9 about 6months ago it is by far the best it has ever been saying that I would love to have the new core one for the different materials and smaller footprint but bigger prints if there is a way in the future to make my mk3.9 fit as a kit then I would convert it but at the moment the 3.9 is my best printer ever oh apart from my new elegoo resin printer first for me its so good at fine detail for my tabletop miniatures 

Posted : 01/01/2025 3:26 pm
Brian liked
Honorable Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......

I just don't see the economics of the upgrade to the Core One, unless you have to have one platform for some reason.  My Mk3S/MMU2 is going to get de-MMU'd and the MMU unit getting the full "Office Space printer farwell" and going to become a REVO mod, like my 2x Minis.  My Mk4 will become an S as soon as I get some time to put the kit on.  Toying with a Core One for at work in our lab, maybe with an MMU3.  A camera would allow me to remotely print stuff.  But I'm not sure what "Ships January" means for an order I place now.  MIght just go for a local printer with an AMS unit.

The Core One is, to me, the most compelling Prusa printer, ever.  I've been on day/hour 1 order for every prusa since the Mk3.  I've passed on this one.  Just tired of the "manana, manana" when it comes to new models. That and 5 Prusas already, but I do often have four running at a time... It is starting to be a space issue.

Posted by: @cwbullet

I have two MK3S and 3 MK4S.  I am not sure what to do as an upgrade path.  I will probably upgrade the Mk3S to 4S and the 4Ss to Core One.  


Posted : 08/01/2025 4:39 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Prusa Core One - Intial thoughts......
Posted by: @milehigh3der

I just don't see the economics of the upgrade to the Core One, unless you have to have one platform for some reason.  My Mk3S/MMU2 is going to get de-MMU'd and the MMU unit getting the full "Office Space printer farwell" and going to become a REVO mod, like my 2x Minis.  My Mk4 will become an S as soon as I get some time to put the kit on.  Toying with a Core One for at work in our lab, maybe with an MMU3.  A camera would allow me to remotely print stuff.  But I'm not sure what "Ships January" means for an order I place now.  MIght just go for a local printer with an AMS unit.

The Core One is, to me, the most compelling Prusa printer, ever.  I've been on day/hour 1 order for every prusa since the Mk3.  I've passed on this one.  Just tired of the "manana, manana" when it comes to new models. That and 5 Prusas already, but I do often have four running at a time... It is starting to be a space issue.


Space is my issue as well. I currently have three printers but I need to downsize before my significant other accuses me of hoarding. I'll likely retire the MK2 and upgrade the MK4 to a Core One. The heated chamber of the Core One, plus compatibility with my MK4 spare parts collection, makes it an obvious choice.

Posted : 19/01/2025 5:04 am
Estimable Member

There ist the controller board with network,display, power supply, all stepermotors, the heatplate, maybe the rods. If its done smart more ore less only the frame will be obsolete.

This post was modified 2 months ago 3 times by Volker
Posted : 19/01/2025 9:17 am
nhand42 liked
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