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core 1  

Estimable Member
core 1

this introductory price how long before it goes up for the kit from mk4s to core 1 

Posted : 03/02/2025 1:15 pm
Trusted Member
RE: core 1

Why do you think it's an introductory price? Prusa has typically not had problems to stir up enough interest in new products. (Which would be the reason for introductory pricing.) To the contrary, they have routinely struggled to meet the initial demand.

Also, competitive pressure is only going to increase over the next months, with Bambu Lab likely to introduce a new top-of-the-line model and lower-cost Chinese competitors gaining a foothold in the Core XY market. So I would not expect Prusa's pricing for the Core One to go up anytime soon.

Posted : 03/02/2025 3:03 pm
RE: core 1


Posted by: @jurgen-7

Why do you think it's an introductory price? Prusa has typically not had problems to stir up enough interest in new products. (Which would be the reason for introductory pricing.) To the contrary, they have routinely struggled to meet the initial demand.

Also, competitive pressure is only going to increase over the next months, with Bambu Lab likely to introduce a new top-of-the-line model and lower-cost Chinese competitors gaining a foothold in the Core XY market. So I would not expect Prusa's pricing for the Core One to go up anytime soon.

It says so on the purchase or upgrade page.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/02/2025 3:18 pm
Trusted Member
RE: core 1
Posted by: @cwbullet

It says so on the purchase or upgrade page.  

Ah, thanks -- I had not seen that note. Was it added recently, when Prusa enabled actual ordering for the upgrade kit?    

Posted : 03/02/2025 3:26 pm
RE: core 1

It has been here since the kit page was activated.  

Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @cwbullet

It says so on the purchase or upgrade page.  

Ah, thanks -- I had not seen that note. Was it added recently, when Prusa enabled actual ordering for the upgrade kit?    


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/02/2025 3:42 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: core 1

bambu lab is finished they have screwed over their own owners with  all the locked security 

Posted : 03/02/2025 7:56 pm
Trusted Member
RE: core 1
Posted by: @ronnie12342003

bambu lab is finished they have screwed over their own owners with  all the locked security 

You are blowing this way out of proportion.

Personally, I have indeed returned my P1S Combo in its unopened box (it was just in shipping when the firmware update news struck) and decided to wait for a Core One kit instead. But in the grand scheme of things I think this will just make a minor dent in Bambu Lab's revenue. The large majority of Bambu customers just won't care, or won't even find out about this since they are only using Bambu's own software.

Hopefully it will be enough of a dent to add a meaningful extra contribution to Prusa's revenue!  

Posted : 03/02/2025 8:03 pm
Taubin liked
RE: core 1

I think that depends on how you view the actions.  If you value your designs and your own liberty, you probably have an issue and have concerns about their intentions.  

Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @ronnie12342003

bambu lab is finished they have screwed over their own owners with  all the locked security 

You are blowing this way out of proportion.

Personally, I have indeed returned my P1S Combo in its unopened box (it was just in shipping when the firmware update news struck) and decided to wait for a Core One kit instead. But in the grand scheme of things I think this will just make a minor dent in Bambu Lab's revenue. The large majority of Bambu customers just won't care, or won't even find out about this since they are only using Bambu's own software.

Hopefully it will be enough of a dent to add a meaningful extra contribution to Prusa's revenue!  


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/02/2025 8:58 pm
Trusted Member
RE: core 1
Posted by: @cwbullet

I think that depends on how you view the actions.  If you value your designs and your own liberty, you probably have an issue and have concerns about their intentions.  

I fully agree! As mentioned, personally I do have an issue with Bambu's new approach and have returned my P1S two weeks ago, right after they announced the new firmware. (Still waiting for my money back, btw.)

But at the same time, I am pretty sure that I am part of a minority in that respect, and that most Bambu customers couldn't care less. That's why I consider ronnie's "Bambu Lab is finished" assessment to be way off the mark.

Posted : 03/02/2025 9:19 pm
RE: core 1


Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @cwbullet

I think that depends on how you view the actions.  If you value your designs and your own liberty, you probably have an issue and have concerns about their intentions.  

I fully agree! As mentioned, personally I do have an issue with Bambu's new approach and have returned my P1S two weeks ago, right after they announced the new firmware. (Still waiting for my money back, btw.)

But at the same time, I am pretty sure that I am part of a minority in that respect, and that most Bambu customers couldn't care less. That's why I consider ronnie's "Bambu Lab is finished" assessment to be way off the mark.

You might be right.  Time will tell.  There are so many options today that are cheaper and avoid the "cloud" today.  It certainly could hurt Bambu.  I do not think they are done, but it may limit their bottom line.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 03/02/2025 9:25 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: core 1

i have prusa fdm printers and elegoo resin printers bambu are chancers who had a good run for a couple of years there are so many core x printers on the market now that bambu have shot there selfs in the foot wont miss them to be honest 

Posted : 03/02/2025 9:29 pm
RE: core 1

I will miss what they bring to the table - completion.  I won't miss some of their fans.  

Posted by: @ronnie12342003

i have prusa fdm printers and elegoo resin printers bambu are chancers who had a good run for a couple of years there are so many core x printers on the market now that bambu have shot there selfs in the foot wont miss them to be honest 


Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 04/02/2025 1:43 am
Estimable Member
RE: core 1


Posted by: @cwbullet


Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @cwbullet

I think that depends on how you view the actions.  If you value your designs and your own liberty, you probably have an issue and have concerns about their intentions.  

I fully agree! As mentioned, personally I do have an issue with Bambu's new approach and have returned my P1S two weeks ago, right after they announced the new firmware. (Still waiting for my money back, btw.)

But at the same time, I am pretty sure that I am part of a minority in that respect, and that most Bambu customers couldn't care less. That's why I consider ronnie's "Bambu Lab is finished" assessment to be way off the mark.

You might be right.  Time will tell.  There are so many options today that are cheaper and avoid the "cloud" today.  It certainly could hurt Bambu.  I do not think they are done, but it may limit their bottom line.  

Well i dont own a bambu but as i said as an other post , from what i read at least, i dont see how BL changed policy. From the first time i heard about them i understood that they have a "closed system" approach. I get that people are complaining that they cannot easily use orcaslicer or any other 3rd party hw addon or plugin (i.e panda touch), but at which point did BL ever claimed that they would support them, at least indefinitely? Are they supposed to? Why? Did they stop providing their official sw? Did they stop providing something that they claimed they would do? The one thing that i cant think of that maybe has a valid reason for complains is if they changed something on their LAN mode. That would be a reason but most of the complains im reading is about orcaslicer. They bought them , i think,  because they were cheaper and rather reliable (as far as reviews say) and you could have a good print farm with lower cost than populating it with lets say core-1's. But no company has the obligation to form their ecosystem to support 3rd party application and components. And no company claims that will do that. Does  Prusa , for example, states somewhere that will forever support octoprint? I don't expect that from Prusa. I expect proper and working firmwares, hw and official slicer. They can always try Creality or other cheaper brands for their farm but they should expect , even from them, a solid support on let say orcaslicer. If you dont want to use their ecosystem then buy an opensource approach and do what you like.

Posted : 04/02/2025 12:21 pm
Trusted Member
RE: core 1


Posted by: @tsamisa

 [...] I get that people are complaining that they cannot easily use orcaslicer or any other 3rd party hw addon or plugin (i.e panda touch), but at which point did BL ever claimed that they would support them, at least indefinitely? Are they supposed to? Why?

Bambu Lab never claimed that they would "support" Orcaslicer or Panda touch. To the contrary, they always pointed out that these add-ons were using an unsupported API, namely MQTT.

But it's one thing to say "We can't provide support for that API, you are on your own if you want to use it". And a very different thing to say "We will now deliberately break that API, for no valid reason, under the guise of security". 

Bambu's intent may always have been the same, namely to lock users in and maximize recurring revenue. They have now announced that they plan to take their tactics to enforce (encourage?) this to the next level. As stated before, many customers won't care that much -- I think that Bambu will notice an impact on their sales, but not to an extent where it causes them serious damage. 

Hopefully the group of people who do care has a strong overlap with the group of people who would consider a Prusa printer, so Prusa will see some new (or returning) customers!

Posted : 04/02/2025 12:41 pm
Taubin liked
Estimable Member
RE: core 1


Posted by: @jurgen-7


Posted by: @tsamisa

 [...] I get that people are complaining that they cannot easily use orcaslicer or any other 3rd party hw addon or plugin (i.e panda touch), but at which point did BL ever claimed that they would support them, at least indefinitely? Are they supposed to? Why?

Bambu Lab never claimed that they would "support" Orcaslicer or Panda touch. To the contrary, they always pointed out that these add-ons were using an unsupported API, namely MQTT.

But it's one thing to say "We can't provide support for that API, you are on your own if you want to use it". And a very different thing to say "We will now deliberately break that API, for no valid reason, under the guise of security". 

Bambu's intent may always have been the same, namely to lock users in and maximize recurring revenue. They have now announced that they plan to take their tactics to enforce (encourage?) this to the next level. As stated before, many customers won't care that much -- I think that Bambu will notice an impact on their sales, but not to an extent where it causes them serious damage. 

Hopefully the group of people who do care has a strong overlap with the group of people who would consider a Prusa printer, so Prusa will see some new (or returning) customers!


I dont want to advocate in favor of BL ( i  dont see a reason), but a company's policy doesnt have to take in to account any 3rd party components. You say they deliberately "broke" those API's. Someone can say that they just didnt took them in to account  or bothered with their functionality when forming their new policies. And again why would they. Did they advertise themselves to be opensource? Yes they probably loose some revenue from people that need a printfarm and prioritize having just one workflow (orcalslicer) with various printers that a closed ecosystem that limits you to one specific brand. I mean if i had a print farm i would like to have XL's for prints that need actual multimaterial, maybe a core one  and yes a few cheaper and reliable printers for simple prints. Core one seems like a nice printer but unless you dont care about budget it get the overall cost a bit high if you want to populate your print farms with them. I think a large portion of those unhappy farmers will go to BL clones, namely Creality or Anycubic.

Posted : 04/02/2025 1:01 pm

I don’t have a Creality or anycubic, but I loved Flsun T1 which is a Delta somewhat based on the Bambu

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Posted : 04/02/2025 1:38 pm