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Change order from assembled to kit  

Eminent Member
Change order from assembled to kit

I have an order for an assembled core one in queue, I should probably be happy with that and just wait a few more weeks but lately I have a growing itch to change that order to kit. Knowing myself as wired to build things from scratch I can’t shake the feeling that I am loosing out on the build experience. I am trying to make up my mind if I am just being silly or if there is something to this.

pros for switching to a kit: 

  • I get to build it myself (very bias as a pro)
  • I will learn the details of how it is constructed, if anything does not work I will fix it
  • Less things for the delivery company to break
  • Assembly fails are my own, even if they are there I am not debugging someone else’s work which is very low on my list of favorite things to do 
  • Not having to send an assembled printer back for warranty fixes, I know I will have to fight hard to not fix it myself 
  • Can I modify a printer under warranty?

cons for switching to a kit:

  • Longer wait for a kit
  • It is my first printer, I have no experience building or using one.
  • Warranty when things are really broken and I am lost
  • Delivery companies succeed in delivering most things without breaking them
  • Assembly line get it right way more often than not and way more often than first time builders, I think
  • There is probably an upgrade around the corner, or a second printer to build
  • Dont modify your first printer during the warranty period, as a first time printer buyer I don’t know better that the people that constructed it.
  • I can always take it apart and put it back together again

what did I miss?


Opublikowany : 19/02/2025 7:39 pm
LarGriff polubić
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

ready built you get 1kg filament, 
ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

DIY you get 2x 25gm samples
no discount on filament...
i have never bought ready made, 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 19/02/2025 7:57 pm
Scotttomo i andhson polubić
Estimable Member
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

Interesting that you don't receive discount on filament purchases Joan.

I have only ever bought kits and do get 15% discount on filament after I log in.

Posted by: @joantabb

ready built you get 1kg filament, 
ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

DIY you get 2x 25gm samples
no discount on filament...
i have never bought ready made, 


Opublikowany : 19/02/2025 9:04 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Change order from assembled to kit


Posted by: @joantabb

ready built you get 1kg filament, 
ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

DIY you get 2x 25gm samples
no discount on filament...
i have never bought ready made, 

True, I did not consider costs and benefits, then again I did not consider them placing the order either.  Also true many will have started out with kits without any issues, I should not undervalue my capabilities building one being used to building things from scratch anyway.


Opublikowany : 19/02/2025 9:53 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

I bought a kit for the same reasosn you did, being my first printer I'd like to know how to fix stuff, if it breaks and I like to make stuff 😅 plus I'm a minge bag and it was cheaper 🤣

Apologies to the OP, but am I missing something with regards to the perks of buying a pre-built over a kit? How is less labour assembling for Prusa a con when it comes to buying a kit? Why is the 1kg and filament discount omitted when buying a kit? The way I see it, it's cheaper for Prusa, yet there are no perks for the customer, other than the price point.

Opublikowany : 19/02/2025 11:01 pm
andhson polubić
Estimable Member

If you are pulled even a bit toward building a kit, then you should change your order and build the kit.  It doesn't take very long to build, and will come with excellent instructions.  My son (who did most of the assembly) described it as a big Lego set, but so much more fun.  

When we built the Mk4 kit, it was also our first printer, which was one of the reasons we chose the kit.  How better to get acquainted as a new user than to build a kit from scratch.  Keep in mind, this is no 40 hour Voron kit.  It will only take you 10-12 hours to assemble, and with that time investment you'll gain invaluable confidence in knowing how to handle any issues that come up.

Also, never underestimate the value of building something carefully vs building it on an assembly line.  It's true that Prusa employees are very experienced and familiar with these things...however you have the ability to move at a more careful pace and make sure that everything is right before moving on.  Or even going backward a bit to double check something.  Assembly line staff don't have that luxury.


*edit to add that this is all true even before you look at the cost difference.  It was a no-brainer for us, and we never  had even a moment of regret.


Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 1:50 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Change order from assembled to kit


Posted by: @stevo1957

Interesting that you don't receive discount on filament purchases Joan.

I have only ever bought kits and do get 15% discount on filament after I log in.

Posted by: @joantabb

ready built you get 1kg filament, 
ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

DIY you get 2x 25gm samples
no discount on filament...
i have never bought ready made, 


Nope... just put a roll of PLA in my basket, no discount at Checkout... 

I have only ever bought kits myself... 

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 2:34 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Change order from assembled to kit


Posted by: @teamd3dp

If you are pulled even a bit toward building a kit, then you should change your order and build the kit.  It doesn't take very long to build, and will come with excellent instructions.  My son (who did most of the assembly) described it as a big Lego set, but so much more fun.  

When we built the Mk4 kit, it was also our first printer, which was one of the reasons we chose the kit.  How better to get acquainted as a new user than to build a kit from scratch.  Keep in mind, this is no 40 hour Voron kit.  It will only take you 10-12 hours to assemble, and with that time investment you'll gain invaluable confidence in knowing how to handle any issues that come up.

Also, never underestimate the value of building something carefully vs building it on an assembly line.  It's true that Prusa employees are very experienced and familiar with these things...however you have the ability to move at a more careful pace and make sure that everything is right before moving on.  Or even going backward a bit to double check something.  Assembly line staff don't have that luxury.


*edit to add that this is all true even before you look at the cost difference.  It was a no-brainer for us, and we never  had even a moment of regret.


Thank you, I see you understand what causes the itch to switch.

I built the house I am sitting in writing this, from paper drawings to the last nail, the only things I did not do is electrical wiring due to legal reasons and heavy lifts, windows and a cross beam. The feeling of living in that house cannot be ignored.

I should probably switch, my reasons for getting the assembled printer are getting fewer and fewer.



Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 7:58 am
Prominent Member
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

I always buy kit - just because I know I can ensure I can take my time doing everything 'properly'. I can imagine the Prusa employee's being quite rushed, and with the repetitive work mistakes can happen - plus screws working loose etc during shipping..... also I just find the build quite fun too!

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Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 11:17 am
andhson polubić
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Change order from assembled to kit


Posted by: @iftibashir

I always buy kit - just because I know I can ensure I can take my time doing everything 'properly'. I can imagine the Prusa employee's being quite rushed, and with the repetitive work mistakes can happen - plus screws working loose etc during shipping..... also I just find the build quite fun too!

Yes, and that is not really a comment on Prusa staff but simply the nature of things. The same applied to cars until fully automated assembly lines replaced manual. The other end of the scale is the luxury items are built by a small team taking their time, or someone building their own.

Unfortunately I did chat with the support team on updating the order and that would mean swapping an assembled printer delivering in a few weeks for an undefined “very long” wait for a kit. I have no objections getting at the end of the line for the kit, that is fair, but I don’t think this itch is strong enough to motivate the undefined wait.

There is always the option to take it apart and put it back together again once the assembly manuals appear, getting an assembled printer in a few weeks that could happen long before I get my hands on a kit.


Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 12:57 pm
Spekkie3D polubić
Reputable Member
RE: Change order from assembled to kit
Posted by: @scotttomo

Why is the 1kg and filament discount omitted when buying a kit? The way I see it, it's cheaper for Prusa, yet there are no perks for the customer, other than the price point.

There is probably a group of customers who choose the kit because they are price-sensitive. (In addition to the customers who buy it because it's fun to build.) Having the kit as an option to bring the price down probably enables additional sales for Prusa, which would otherwise go to the low-cost competition from China. So it makes sense for Prusa to price the kit as aggressively as possible, at the expense of trimming back some of the added perks.

Hey, on the bright side you get a toolset with the kit which the buyers of pre-built instruments don't! 😎 

Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 1:46 pm
andhson i Scotttomo polubić
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

Just wanted to chip in on this discount on filament thing. As a vivid reader of these forums now that we are waiting for the Core One's to ship. 😉 

I have currently 2 MK3.9S printers that started life as MK3 kits and i have 5% discount on prusament filaments.
Searched the product sheets and the MK4S page lists this text on the KIT page:

Program for Original Prusa MK4 kit owners

Our discount program for the Original Prusa MK4 kit printer owners gives you a 5% discount on 30 selected filaments per year. Most importantly including our high-precision filament, the Prusament!

On the assembled printer its reading as 10%

The Core One pages both assembled and kit i cannot find any mention of the discount for filament at all.


As for OP's question:
I've always happily build my printers, it gives you a much better understanding of the workings of the printer. And also the pease of mind that you know how to dig in for maintenance. Although i still recommend to follow the instructions on all cases 😋 

Opublikowany : 20/02/2025 2:07 pm
andhson polubić
Reputable Member
RE: Change order from assembled to kit
Posted by: @joantabb

ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

I just checked the website (online shop) again, and it seems that buying the ready-built Core One does not entitle the buyer to a filament discount. The 10% discount is mentioned prominently on the MK4S product page, but there is nothing about it on the Core One page. 

It was the same back when the MK4 was new and in high demand, I believe: The MK3S came with a filament discount, but the MK4 did not. The FAQ page still reflects that old status.

Opublikowany : 21/02/2025 11:36 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Change order from assembled to kit


Posted by: @jurgen-7
Posted by: @joantabb

ready built, i believe, entitles you to discount on filament

I just checked the website (online shop) again, and it seems that buying the ready-built Core One does not entitle the buyer to a filament discount. The 10% discount is mentioned prominently on the MK4S product page, but there is nothing about it on the Core One page. 

It was the same back when the MK4 was new and in high demand, I believe: The MK3S came with a filament discount, but the MK4 did not. The FAQ page still reflects that old status.

The blog post have the below in the faq section, I guess we will see when it gets here.

Q: Is the Prusa owner program eligible with the CORE One as well?A: If you purchase the CORE One, you get a 10% discount on 30 selected filaments per year. Most importantly including our high-precision filament, the Prusament.


Opublikowany : 21/02/2025 1:27 pm
Jürgen polubić
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Change order from assembled to kit

Difficult keeping up to date, especially when it doesn't affect you...  

on the flip side, every kit i bought, had a full 1kg of filament included... where as nowadays you only get samples... 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Opublikowany : 21/02/2025 9:21 pm