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Hi, In "Prusa Connect notification bell icon" is there any way to completely remove old notifications?

Napsal : 19/12/2024 10:52 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Notifications

Hi again, It doesn't look as though I am going to get an answer to my question, it may be that it is not understood or maybe there isn't an answer so I will try and rephrase it. In Prusa connect on the top line on the right hand side there is a bell, when I click on this bell I get notifications like , the printer needs attention but it doesn't tell me what attention it needs, or such and such a print has finished. When I click on them nothing happens so I would like to know, what is the point of them?  Is there any way to either delete the messages or get rid of the bell completely as it's not any use at all having it. I wait in anticipation, Bob.

Napsal : 16/01/2025 12:03 pm