Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams
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Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams  

Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams

I get prusa connect is still young.  I want, so badly, to wait for it but we cant.  we have several people that share our printers at the shop.  We have been using octoprint for everything until the MK4 came in and we have lots of issues using octoprint with it.  We tried out prusa connect and the lack of video is a hard pill to swallow.  As a software engineer I get it; paying for ice servers and such for stream capabilities isnt in the budget.  Also, the MK4 doesnt support adding a camera to it.  

Compared to our x1c (Im sorry, but now that we have one, I cant avoid comparing) the lack of management software for the prusa stuff sucks.  our prusa's are workhorses, and we want to continue to use them.  

Thought: allow us to add a/multiple stream url to our printer in prusa connect web ui!  Doesnt matter where it's coming from, just embed it!  Then we can setup our own streams (octoprint via octoeverywhere or whatever we want) and you don't need to natively support the camera stuff until you're ready. This allows the rest of us who need this feature to adopt prusa connect sooner.


Posted : 08/08/2024 4:37 pm
Active Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams


exectly what I wanted to do - user the camera-streams from my RepetierServer. Just empeded! 

Using a mk3.5 with a MMU3

Thanks and greetings 


Posted : 27/08/2024 7:33 am
Honorable Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams

Then try to do mediamtx server locally with IP cameras? Or something like frigate or other CCTV derivatives?

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 27/08/2024 7:55 am
lambert liked
Active Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams


one my local repetier server I have 2 cameras. Both have an url where I am able to view the stream. How can I access those from within prusa connect? I HAVE NO CLUE

Posted : 27/08/2024 8:59 am
Honorable Member

In short - PrusaConnect does not support video streams, only static image captures.

So you could add another integration to do that, by using frmpeg stream image capture to upload it to PrusaConnect,  see for more options.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 27/08/2024 6:24 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams

correct, we all know that!  But it ...could... support embedded video streams (easily).  Just needs to be a priority.  

Posted : 27/08/2024 6:29 pm
lambert liked
Active Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams

Hi, thanks for your explanation.

I will check that!


Posted : 27/08/2024 7:41 pm
Active Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams


I read the docs but couldn’t believe it. Got the confirmation here. No usb cam support.
So your ideas to use an ip camera or use a link to a steam is something that could be implemented simple ( I think so …).
I really want to use prusa connect. But without camera support I think I will continue with repetier Server on the raspberry with my 2 cams.

Is there an enhancement request for your stream embedding idea?



Posted : 27/08/2024 7:52 pm
Honorable Member

About usb cam support in my script- my code supports USB cams connected to linux systems - rasberry pi or other laptops, just needs different config options (the easiest is fswebcam) via capturing single frame and uploading it to the PrusaConnect. Working with camera streams over USB is alsob possible but requires something like mediamtxt + ffmpeg.

About streaming request:
Streaming service is much more complex than just sending image snapshots, also it is much more expensive, I'm not sure if Prusa eager to implement it.
Embedding streams in the app is not that easy especially if you want to have limited access to the stream so it is a bit more complex than it sounds.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 27/08/2024 8:04 pm
Topic starter answered:
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams


Posted by: @_kaszpir_

About streaming request:

Streaming service is much more complex than just sending image snapshots, also it is much more expensive, I'm not sure if Prusa eager to implement it.
Embedding streams in the app is not that easy especially if you want to have limited access to the stream so it is a bit more complex than it sounds.

senior level software engineer here: That's not the request in this thread, it's to allow embedded streams.  We can figure out where they come from, if we want security around them, and so on. All Prusa connect has to do is similar to how it allows an image snapshot, just show the stream url embedded in a browser player.  

Posted : 28/08/2024 2:06 am
lambert liked
Active Member
RE: Camera thought (low hanging fruit) - allow streams

Yes thanks for the correction!



Posted : 30/08/2024 3:27 pm
Honorable Member

> That's not the request in this thread, it's to allow embedded streams. 
I that case it may be easier just to allow embeds because of the required work on the backend, yet it will require to decide what type of streams to allow. Some streaming cams are use custom protocols (or not so modern one), so they would probably have to limit what they want to allow forcing people to use only a subset of modern cams (and saving themselves a headache from broken devices).

Still it would require some minor changes in the backend to add extra fields so that user could save the settings and so on.
Will they do it? no idea, time will tell.

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 31/08/2024 7:21 am