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Collection of Initial Feedback  

Active Member
Collection of Initial Feedback

I’m glad to finally have an app and overall it’s been good, but there are a few issues I’ve noticed and wanted to compare notes with others. I’m on the latest firmware.


  • Push (on phone) notifications for basic status updates (e.g. Print Complete, etc) do not seem to work. I have Menu|Settings|On device enabled and all iOS notifications enabled for the app.
  • The thumbnail image does not display sometimes
  • Jobs|Current tab does not display the current print job. Instead, they are located on the Jobs|History tab.


  • Grammar mistakes (e.g. “Ending” instead of “Ended” for a finished job’s timestamp)
  • Date/time stamp formatting. Dates are cut off with no timestamp and should be formatted to match the device settings (e.g. 8/14 instead of 14.8.).


  • Change the 13 Printer tabs to a filtered (non 0) view or simply a selectable dropdown list.
  • On the Jobs|History tab, add a status icon to the thumbnails for overall final status (e.g. finished, stopped, etc.)- Allow for a printer to be assigned to multiple teams

Any others issues or recommendations?

Posted : 14/08/2024 6:22 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

I’d like the option to look at files in my memory stick connected to the printer. Tested the send from Printables to printer today when I was at work and it was flawless. Would be nice to be able to choose IS profiles, but to be honest, just the send to printer from the site is fantastic 

Posted : 14/08/2024 7:32 pm
Jerry Krivanek
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

Hello GizmoGoody

Thank you for your feedback.

Your issue regarding push notifications has been investigated and a bug has been found and will be fixed.

Thank you for your patience.



Posted by: @gizmogoody

I’m glad to finally have an app and overall it’s been good, but there are a few issues I’ve noticed and wanted to compare notes with others. I’m on the latest firmware.


  • Push (on phone) notifications for basic status updates (e.g. Print Complete, etc) do not seem to work. I have Menu|Settings|On device enabled and all iOS notifications enabled for the app.
  • The thumbnail image does not display sometimes
  • Jobs|Current tab does not display the current print job. Instead, they are located on the Jobs|History tab.


  • Grammar mistakes (e.g. “Ending” instead of “Ended” for a finished job’s timestamp)
  • Date/time stamp formatting. Dates are cut off with no timestamp and should be formatted to match the device settings (e.g. 8/14 instead of 14.8.).


  • Change the 13 Printer tabs to a filtered (non 0) view or simply a selectable dropdown list.
  • On the Jobs|History tab, add a status icon to the thumbnails for overall final status (e.g. finished, stopped, etc.)- Allow for a printer to be assigned to multiple teams

Any others issues or recommendations?


Posted : 15/08/2024 1:48 pm
Active Member
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

Status notifications on Android are severely delayed if phone is idle. This may be specific to me, though.  I did some general research about delayed app notifications and made some recommended changes, but no change.  My reference point: I have been pushing status changes to the slack app on my phone via prusa connect for a few months now, and it's near instant, generally giving me app notifications before the printer even beeps at me.

Please add the timeline view (the one with the timescale across the top and the printers listed vertically on the left).  I use this on prusaconnect more than anything else.  It's so nice to glance at 1 image and immediately understand when prints are due to complete.

Please include more detail specific to the notifications.  "Printer requires your attention" seems a weird choice for filament runout, for example.  That could mean anything.  IS IT A CRITICAL ISSUE? DO I NEED TO IMMEDIATELY RESPOND?  Or can it wait, such as "Filament has run out" for example.


Posted : 17/08/2024 2:14 am
Uwe Grunewald
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

I don‘t see my camera yet, that I see on Prusa Connect

Posted : 17/08/2024 3:22 am
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

+1 for this

Posted by: @uwe-grunewald

I don‘t see my camera yet, that I see on Prusa Connect


Posted : 27/08/2024 3:42 pm
Estimable Member

I am getting random print finished notifications sent to my android device at odd times during most print jobs.  On average I get 2-three notification during a print. Not for every print but for many. 

The system always sends a print job finished notification, but as mentioned above can be delayed by a couple minutes. But the oddness comes when I sometimes also get job finished notifications at the start and in the middle of the job. 

This post was modified 6 months ago by Lynn
Posted : 05/09/2024 7:09 pm
Jerry Krivanek
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

Hello, Lynn,

Can you contact us at [email protected] to fill in the details? your Prusa Account, number of printers and type, firmware version.Android version..

We will take a look!

Thank you,


Posted : 06/09/2024 11:31 am
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

I get no sound for push notifications on iPhone + Watch.
Settings on the phone are all checked.

Could it be, that sound for push notifications is disabled from app developer side?

It would be better, if the user could turn sound on/off in the phone settings.

Posted : 07/09/2024 2:05 pm
RE: Collection of Initial Feedback

I recently noticed a problem with my print when monitoring the camera with the app. I was unable to pause / stop the print using the app and had to revert to Prusa Connect. 
Is there a way of pausing the print using the app and, if not, would you please add it?

Posted : 14/09/2024 12:49 pm