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Upgraded MK4 in the Enclosure  

Active Member
Upgraded MK4 in the Enclosure

I am upgrading my MK3S+, which is placed in an enclosure, to MK4. I intend to place the upgraded printer in the enclosure as well.Anything I should be aware of in connection with disassembling the MK3S+ and assembling the upgraded printer? For example, is it necessary to detach the PSU from the enclosure or can I just detach the cables?

Opublikowany : 24/03/2024 5:34 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Upgraded MK4 in the Enclosure

Yes, it's necessary to detach the PSU. Because there is additional cable you need to hook onto PSU and new type of cables. If you read through starting Step 9 to 17 in number 6 xLCD assembly section.


If you have quick release for MK3S+, you will need to buy a new one specifically for MK4. 

Opublikowany : 30/05/2024 12:19 am