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PSU Moved to side of enclosure?  

Phil Linscheid
PSU Moved to side of enclosure?


Just curious if I can move the Power supply unit to the side to shrink the overall depth. I want the enclosure but am going back and forth on the price versus a lack table version. 

Appreciate the help. 

Posted : 04/03/2024 5:58 am
Prominent Member
RE: PSU Moved to side of enclosure?

You mean you want to have PSU inside the enclosure or on the outside? In general it is better to have it on the outside, so with the LACK version you could just mount one wall from the 'inside' so there is a space of the width of the leg, and that should be enough to put PSU there (I'm guessing now, not tested).

See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.

Posted : 04/03/2024 2:04 pm
Eminent Member

I would not think so, without significant re engineering .the PSU adds about 50mm to overall depth of the enclosure, the back panel has a large cut out to pass the PSU from the inside to the out side mount, and there's just barely enough cable for this now. you could swap back and left side panels and move the PSU locks to the front left stanchion ,  but that would place the PSU at the front left just inside the doors and once again the available cable probably would be the  determining factor, I just went and looked at mine and it might work?

Posted : 07/03/2024 3:32 pm