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Prusa MK4 compatible ?  

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Prusa MK4 compatible ?


is the new Prusa MK4 with Prusa Enclosure compatible  ?



Opublikowany : 31/03/2023 4:32 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Prusa wrote:

Since the MK4 has the same dimensions as the MK3S+, it also means it’s fully compatible with the Original Prusa Enclosure.



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 31/03/2023 5:27 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?


Hallo karl-herbert,

danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung. Was ich aber noch nichts ganz verstehe, bei der Konfiguration des Prusa Enclosure Gehäuses besteht die Möglichkeit das Feuerlöschsystem + das Filtersystem kostenpflichtig hinzubestellen.

Laut ihrer Aussage ist das Gehäuse mit dem MK4 vollständig kompatible, auf den einzelne Produktseiten zum Feuerlöschsystem/Filtersystem hingegen steht, dass diese mit dem MK4 nicht kompatible sei. Was stimmt den jetzt ?





Hello karl-herbert,

thanks for the fast respond. But what I don't understand, when I configurateted the Prusa Enclosure Box, it is pissible to add the fire extinguishing system + the filter system.According to your statement, the box is fully compatible with the MK4, but on the individual product pages for the fire extinguishing system/filter system it says that it is not compatible with the MK4. What's right now?




Opublikowany : 03/04/2023 3:41 pm
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

It's not 100% compatible. You must make new LCD stand-offs, and the quick-release cable isn't supported.

Opublikowany : 05/04/2023 7:49 pm
Active Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Can someone maybe give more details about why the PSU quick-release is not compatible with the MK4 PSU?

Are there additional wires that are not included in the cable harness?

Is it possible to solve the problem yourself?

Thanks for any info.

Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 9:43 am
Reputable Member

These are additions for the Prusa Enclosure.

So strictly speaking, it does not apply to 'all' their printers.

Therefore, I think the information given on the site is incorrect.

Any printer as large or smaller than an MK3 will fit in this enclosure.

Posted by: @i-ditzer



Hello karl-herbert,

thanks for the fast respond. But what I don't understand, when I configurateted the Prusa Enclosure Box, it is pissible to add the fire extinguishing system + the filter system.According to your statement, the box is fully compatible with the MK4, but on the individual product pages for the fire extinguishing system/filter system it says that it is not compatible with the MK4. What's right now?


Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 12:40 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Just trying again, because the edit time for a post is still way too short.

These are additions for the Prusa Enclosure.

So strictly speaking, it does not apply to their printers.

I think the information given is incorrect.

Any printer as large or smaller than an MK3 will fit in this enclosure.

Therefore, the additional parts you mention can be built in without any problem. 😊 

Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 12:50 pm
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

The MK4 has an additional grounding wire between the printer and the PSU. This is easily adapted by adding a quick disconnect adapter to it. The other issue is the power panic cable is a single wire instead of two wires with a different plug on the mainboard. 

Posted by: @ulululu

Can someone maybe give more details about why the PSU quick-release is not compatible with the MK4 PSU?

Are there additional wires that are not included in the cable harness?

Is it possible to solve the problem yourself?

Thanks for any info.


Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 1:43 pm
ulululu polubić
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Wie siehts denn mit den 3D-Druckteilem am Drucker aus? Diese sind ja aus PETG. Muss ich mir da Sorgen machen das die sich verformen wenn ich den Drucker im Gehäuse stehen habe? Ich würde meistens PLA/PETG drucken wo ich die Türen/Deckel offen lasse. Nur wenn ich mal was aus ASA drucke, würde ich zu machen. Wie lange würde es dauern bis die PETG Teile anfangen zu leiden. Ich meine die  30 - 40 Grad im Gehäuse, sollten doch dem PETG Teilen eiggentlich nix ausmachen oder? 

Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 4:26 pm
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

I print non-stop PETG on 3 MK3's with doors closed, never had any issues with the printed parts on the printer itself deforming or anything.

Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 4:50 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?


Posted by: @blake-2

I print non-stop PETG on 3 MK3's with doors closed, never had any issues with the printed parts on the printer itself deforming or anything.

Thanks. Good to know. I had also just written to support and they were able to reassure me somewhat as well. He said he has been printing 24/7 ASA for 2 months and could not find anything. I will but for safety, the 3D print parts gradually replace in ASA after time. 

Opublikowany : 06/04/2023 5:02 pm
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Here are my MK4 LCD mount adapters:

Opublikowany : 07/04/2023 4:23 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?


Posted by: @blake-2

Here are my MK4 LCD mount adapters:

Thanks for that. I hope Prusa will soon adapt its assembly instructions for the MK4.

Opublikowany : 07/04/2023 7:50 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Thanks for that. I hope Prusa will soon adapt its assembly instructions for the MK4.

I hope so. I plan to buy the enclosure and MK4 as my first Prusa. I am a little bit worried about whether I'll be able to put everything together, and the lack of specific instructions on the MK4 for the enclosure worries me.

Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 4:10 am
Reputable Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?


Posted by: @botolo

Thanks for that. I hope Prusa will soon adapt its assembly instructions for the MK4.

I hope so. I plan to buy the enclosure and MK4 as my first Prusa. I am a little bit worried about whether I'll be able to put everything together, and the lack of specific instructions on the MK4 for the enclosure worries me.

Apart from the two things mentioned, everything else should be the same. Even the basic assembly.

Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 8:39 am
Reputable Member


Posted by: @i-ditzer


Hallo karl-herbert,

danke für die schnelle Rückmeldung. Was ich aber noch nichts ganz verstehe, bei der Konfiguration des Prusa Enclosure Gehäuses besteht die Möglichkeit das Feuerlöschsystem + das Filtersystem kostenpflichtig hinzubestellen.

Laut ihrer Aussage ist das Gehäuse mit dem MK4 vollständig kompatible, auf den einzelne Produktseiten zum Feuerlöschsystem/Filtersystem hingegen steht, dass diese mit dem MK4 nicht kompatible sei. Was stimmt den jetzt ?





Hello karl-herbert,

thanks for the fast respond. But what I don't understand, when I configurateted the Prusa Enclosure Box, it is pissible to add the fire extinguishing system + the filter system.According to your statement, the box is fully compatible with the MK4, but on the individual product pages for the fire extinguishing system/filter system it says that it is not compatible with the MK4. What's right now?




Deutsch:Ich habe gerade mit dem Support geschrieben und das Filtersystem sowie das Feuerlöschsystem sind kompatibel weiterhin. Das ist ein Fehler auf der Produktseite. Das Filtersystem ist ja auch unabhängig davon, welchen Drucker man in das Gehäuse stellt. Logisch eigentlich.


I have  written with support even and the filter system as well as the fire extinguishing system are compatible furthermore. This is an error on the product page. The filter system is also independent of which printer you put in the case. Logical actually.


Opublikowany : 08/04/2023 12:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Danke für die Rückmeldung!

Ich denke bei offenen Fragen zu diesem Bereich ist es sinnvoll sich an den Prusachat zu wenden, da der MK4 noch nicht allzu lange verfügbar ist und somit kaum jemand zuverlässige Antworten geben kann.

Schöne Grüße,


Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Opublikowany : 09/04/2023 12:00 am
New Member

Has anyone put a paver underneath a Prusa while inside the enclosure? I’m looking to put a paver under the MK4 in the enclosure. The tech specs make it seem like it would be a tight squeeze.


Opublikowany : 10/04/2023 9:14 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

Just an FYI to everyone. Prusa has updated the enclosure printable parts with an MK4 LCD holder:

Enclosure Printable Parts

Under 'LCD support & FS cover'. No apparent update on the quick release, though I fear that will require a new connector to be purchased.

Opublikowany : 17/04/2023 10:36 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Prusa MK4 compatible ?

To follow up on my previous post, it seems the MK4 will have its own connector sold separately based on this quote from the MK4 and MK4 Kit listings:

Enclosure available

MK4 is *fully compatible with the Original Prusa Enclosure. ...

*PSU Cable Quick-release for the Original Prusa MK4 coming soon.

Opublikowany : 18/04/2023 8:27 am
Walter Layher polubić
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