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Fire suppression discontinued?  

Barry Robbins
Eminent Member
Fire suppression discontinued?

In countries outside the EU the BlazeCut T0033 kit seems to have disappeared from various sites and no longer listed in the BlazeCut catalog. Anyone hear anything about this and if Prusa is looking for other options?

Opublikowany : 19/08/2023 6:12 pm
Reputable Member

I actually contacted BlazeCut for a list of US distributors, as PrintedSolid, which I thought I had seen list it for sale a few months ago, no longer listed. Not as in out of stock, but vanished from the website (like you are seeing).

I got a reply from BlazeCut too. They said:


We just shipped a bunch to, you can buy the T033E in the US from them.


So not sure what happened. I'm not sure where you are, but I'm going to shoot an email to PS and see what's up with it not being on their website, since BlazeCut confirmed they just shipped PS a batch of them.

I can update here with what I hear back from PS.

Opublikowany : 21/08/2023 4:39 pm
Barry Robbins
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

Thanks!  Some think I’m being silly purchasing one but given the fact the printer is in my home and running overnight is likely, wanted the added safety. 

Opublikowany : 21/08/2023 6:48 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

They got back to me yesterday afternoon, but I didn't notice. They said:

Hi Jseyfert3, ​ they did send a small shipment but we had back orders for them already in the business and education sales so we are waiting for more at this time. 

So perhaps it'll be some time before they are back in stock at Printed Solid.

And I've been running my MINI, and my MK4, not only overnight, but when I leave to work...makes me nervous when I'm not in the house, even though the chances for a fire are probably statistically low. I'd just like a little more added piece of mind.

Opublikowany : 22/08/2023 12:17 pm
Harry Mueller
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

I've been looking for the fire suppression unit as well. No luck so far. I know the possibility of a fire is low but I'm a lot more comfortable with a suppression system of some kind.

In the meantime I did find at least a temporary solution from WhamBam for about $30.

I have it attached to the top panel with a strip of velcro. I think it's a less elegant solution but it will do the job until the Blazecut unit is available.





Opublikowany : 28/08/2023 3:11 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

Thanks for sharing the link. Looks like a good, affordable solution.


Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 4:35 am
Estimable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

In the meantime I did find at least a temporary solution from WhamBam for about $30

i just want to point out, that with powder fire extinguishers all your electronics that are covered by this powder become useless! Do some research...

the fire extinguishing media in the devices offered by Prusa do not damage your electronics. 

Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 10:51 am
Barry Robbins
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

I’ve been looking at other BlazeCut options. The Prusa version is 13in in length. They do have on that is 11in and since you can print clips maybe?  I think the problem might be the holes in the enclosure top as you need to mount on the ends of the tube. Just thinking about options. 

Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 11:41 am
Estimable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

all your electronics that are covered by this powder become useless!

Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 12:13 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

If it prevents your house from burning down, I’d say it’s a price worth paying. And if the Prusa solution isn’t currently available, this is a cheap, temporary option until it becomes available, for those concerned with a bit of added safety. 


Opublikowany : 29/08/2023 2:35 pm
Netpackrat polubić
Reputable Member
Posted by: @randym9

If it prevents your house from burning down, I’d say it’s a price worth paying. And if the Prusa solution isn’t currently available, this is a cheap, temporary option until it becomes available, for those concerned with a bit of added safety. 


Yes, this x1000.  I like the WhamBam solution a lot because it's more compact than the range hood extinguishers I have above my printers, and the extinguishing agent is possibly more appropriate to a printer fire.  I'll probably see if I can get some soon.  Hopefully they can be shipped to Alaska.
Opublikowany : 30/08/2023 4:18 am
Reputable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?


Posted by: @stefan-3

In the meantime I did find at least a temporary solution from WhamBam for about $30

i just want to point out, that with powder fire extinguishers all your electronics that are covered by this powder become useless! Do some research...

the fire extinguishing media in the devices offered by Prusa do not damage your electronics. 

An uncontrolled fire also tends to be bad for electronics. 

And oh, by the way, the structure in which they are present.
Opublikowany : 30/08/2023 4:21 am
RandyM9 polubić
Harry Mueller
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?


Thanks for pointing that out, I appreciate it. I was time limited when I posted but I should have mentioned the possibility of equipment damage, it's important information to have and should be considered in the decision making process. 

Unless installation of a protection system is mandated by local, regional, or national fire codes each individual has to determine what risks they are willing to accept. I tend to be much more risk averse and look to keep the damage resulting from a fire as small and as inexpensive as possible. 

In a former life I was a Fire Protection Engineer and spent a lot of time working with fire suppression and detection systems. As part of the evaluation and design process we always had to analyze the potential risks, benefits, and unintended consequences. 

While I did not perform an in depth analysis by any stretch of the imagination, my decision was based on a few factors:

  • I would rather contain a fire to the printer and enclosure than have it involve a room and its contents or spread to a larger area of my home. 
  • Damage to the PCBs is a definite risk but not guaranteed.
    • It is possible to clean a PCB after exposure to dry chemical extinguishing agents provided the agent is not exposed to large amounts of moisture (that can cause further chemical reactions that hugely increase the likelihood of damage) and is cleaned in a timely fashion after exposure. Again, the possibility of damage is still real but not a sure thing.
    • To my knowledge, which admittedly is 10+ years out of date, there is no extinguishing agent that is totally free of the risk of damage to electronics. For some agents it is a very, very small chance but it is still a non-zero chance.
  • If my printer is on fire it is highly likely that there will be damage from the heat and smoke that may cause even more damage to the PCBs than the extinguishing agent. Even before the extinguishing agent is triggered the printer may already be damaged enough to be a total loss. The WhamBam and Blazecut systems both trigger above 80C. Many of the electronic components are just not that heat resistant.

These were the factors I considered. I felt that they made a strong case that early extinguishment was beneficial, even if the printer was a total loss. Again, everyone has to use their own priorities and willingness to accept risk when it comes to a suppression system.

I also strongly recommend installing a smoke detector inside the enclosure even if someone chooses not to install a suppression device. The earlier you know that there's a problem the earlier you can act.

I really do appreciate you posting this information, it is important to have in order to make an informed decision.



Opublikowany : 30/08/2023 2:25 pm
jseyfert3, Barry Robbins, Stefan i 2 ludzie polubili
Reputable Member
RE: Fire suppression discontinued?

FYI looks like the BlazeCut is back in stock at PS.

Opublikowany : 19/10/2023 6:16 pm