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Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure  

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Jakub Dolezal
Member Admin
Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I am happy to announce our Original Prusa Enclosure! An accessory that houses your Original Prusa i3 MK3S+ printer.

Check our video describing all the features:

Read more about the enclosure in the blog post by Josef

You can configure your enclosure in our e-shop


Looking forward to see all your modifications and community addons!

This topic was modified 3 years temu 2 times by Jakub Dolezal
Assembly manuals

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The guy behind Prusa assembly manuals...

Opublikowany : 05/05/2022 5:39 pm
Illustrious Member

Looks very nice indeed. I just wish it came in under $350 base alone, which easily swells to $500 with some add-ons. At this price point I'll stick with my LACK enclosures.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 05/05/2022 8:01 pm
Robin i Skilbo polubić
Honorable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

A Lack enclosure - yeah, right. Next best thing to putting the printer into an old cardboard box. 😉

There are a number of nice, good quality self-made enclosure solutions out there, such as e.g. a server rack with removable sides, even high enough to take in an MMU2S. However, there´s a lot of people out there who wish to run a printer and do not have time or know-how to re-configure e.g. a server rack for use. There are some other commercial enclosure solutions out there, too, none particularly cheap. This Prusa Enclosure is friggin´ neat and it´s actually decently priced for what it offers.  There are add-on features which have been seen to be used by other manufacturers, such as a filter system, and there are rather unique things like the optional fire suppression system, which is really neat sh.... . And I cannot remember having seen a stackable solution anywhere else either. I´m sure we can all come up with a ton of  "well, but...they should have.... could have...", but there are tradeoffs and options in every single solution. @jakub-dolezal-2  Dear Jakub, Congratulations to Josef and all the Prusa Team to this really well-engineered system, dedicated to support your already great printers with features such as external power supply and operating panel.



I try to give answers to the best of my ability, but I am not a 3D printing pro by any means, and anything you do you do at your own risk. BTW: I have no food for…

Opublikowany : 05/05/2022 8:27 pm
beefswizzle polubić
Honorable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I have an enclosure made out of acrylic panels and a Container Store shelving unit.  It works well, almost too well.  I closed it up and printed some PC and it got too hot.

I’ll pass on the enclosure until a mini version comes out, and I assume that a filament dry box version will be coming out since a heater version is mentioned.  At that point I’ll use it for my MK3s+/MMU2s.

Actually with my two mini’s I could see a stack with a mini on top and bottom in enclosures (or maybe just the bottom one) with a dry box version in the middle keeping both fed with dry filament.

I think it is HUGE to get the electronics out of the bot box.  Get PC-fiber to replace all the plastic parts so you can go hotter in the enclosure- and maybe get a water cooled heat break….

Opublikowany : 06/05/2022 3:51 am
New Member

Awesome and interesting article. Great things you’ve always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post.


This post was modified 3 years temu by GuineaPiggy
Opublikowany : 06/05/2022 3:55 am
Eric E
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

No.  A box for the price of a mini?  Really?  I guess Prusa hired some “numbers” people.  Yuck.

this box rocks for much less. And, since it is 2020, you can bolt on anything you want without waiting for Prusa.  And it ships now.  I love mine

Don’t trust forum advice.

Opublikowany : 06/05/2022 11:28 am
Reputable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

@jakub-dolezal-2   Can you post some pictures that show how a MMU2 would work in the enclosure ?  Include things like how you access the MMU2 to open it,  where you would place the buffer,  filament routing and where all 5 spools of filament be placed.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 2:29 am
RicRav polubić
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

That looks very good, I'm very tempted but i could do with seeing a bit more how the mmu2 unit would work first, other than that it looks good and a decent price too, yes you can get cheaper but then you can also get cheaper 3d printers but they are not as good as a prusa.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 6:36 am
Active Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I would go for the Enclosure as well. Price is ok if you think of all the modifications that will appear in the future.

But Prusa really forgot about the mass of MMU customers who are interested in this housing. I think there is enoug space to add 5 spools all around. But i can not order a housing for about 500€ without seeing some pictures.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 11:15 am
Trusted Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I do not have nor intend to buy a MMU2. For my mk3s+ the enclosure seems to be a must have and it's base price is quite fair. But the price of the upgrades is a bit too high IMHO, even if the only really useful one is the internal led (and maybe the air filter? But the enclosure is... enclosed, if the microparticles remain inside, why should I have to filter them?). That said, I'll do my order towards the end of the year so I have time to think about it, but maybe the best choice is the base enclosure alone.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 2:00 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I like the clean look. However, I'm going to wait until the mini is released to decide if the price point is worth it. Right now my Lack enclosures are working just fine.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 2:16 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

While interesting for all us hobbyists, I think the real market is institutional and people looking to run multiple units, but perhaps not a farm. Add in the safety and ergo of less noise.  As someone noted, its teh price of a mini- but to a school, having an enclosed printer that can be locked and have some fire suppression- that is worth it probably.

Prusa is expanding beyond the hobbyist, this shows that movement.

Opublikowany : 07/05/2022 6:09 pm
Trusted Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I really like it. I have currently a server rack as enclosure and i'm not happy with it. The price is ok but the price of the addons is a bit high and i wonder how much the smart box will bill. And the smart box is very the electronic fun starts. I hope it can submit the sensor data to an mqtt server.

Two thinks that came in mind when i watched the images.

  • With all the openings (doors, psu, ...) will the filtering really work?
  • Can it support 2,5 KG spools? The handle can be probably enlarged.
Opublikowany : 08/05/2022 9:38 am
Honorable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

I assume that with the negative pressure from the fan, that all the ‘out’ air will be through the fan/filter.  I wonder what kind of temp stability you’ll be able to get, and how hot for what kind of fan flow.

Did I miss it, or will the fan be able to help control the temp inside?  As in if it gets too hot it will run the fan to draw air in and lower the temp?

Opublikowany : 08/05/2022 2:38 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

Wow—there’s a lot to like with this enclosure and at this price, it’s going to create a premium option not readily available until now.  Hopefully there will still be enough market for guys like Tukkari to operate.  I’ve heard nothing but praises for their Prusa enclosures.

Opublikowany : 09/05/2022 9:03 am
New Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

My assumption is that there is space to have filament come in via PFE tubes into the enclosure. However, the MMU problem is a major issue for me, and preventing me from pre-ordering it. I love my MMU, but even with the fine tuning and adjustments I have made for it, I will often have to open it up to get slipped filament back into the gears. The way this box is designed, it appears there is no way to actually access the MMU from the back or the top. As a result, any, ANY MMU failure seems to lead to a complete print failure. This isn't going to work for me, and likewise a lot of people. Before I can pre-order this, there HAS to be a solution for the MMU. Mounting it on the outside is acceptable, as is having some way to open the top. Otherwise yeah, this is dead on arrival for me.

I'm not concerned about filament because I already own a separate drybox.

Opublikowany : 10/05/2022 1:25 am
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure


Posted by: @justme3d

A Lack enclosure - yeah, right. Next best thing to putting the printer into an old cardboard box. 😉

There are a number of nice, good quality self-made enclosure solutions out there, such as e.g. a server rack with removable sides, even high enough to take in an MMU2S. However, there´s a lot of people out there who wish to run a printer and do not have time or know-how to re-configure e.g. a server rack for use. There are some other commercial enclosure solutions out there, too, none particularly cheap. This Prusa Enclosure is friggin´ neat and it´s actually decently priced for what it offers.  There are add-on features which have been seen to be used by other manufacturers, such as a filter system, and there are rather unique things like the optional fire suppression system, which is really neat sh.... . And I cannot remember having seen a stackable solution anywhere else either. I´m sure we can all come up with a ton of  "well, but...they should have.... could have...", but there are tradeoffs and options in every single solution. @jakub-dolezal-2  Dear Jakub, Congratulations to Josef and all the Prusa Team to this really well-engineered system, dedicated to support your already great printers with features such as external power supply and operating panel.



I partially disagree with this statement.  The Lack enclosure work very well.  I have been using them for over 3 years with great success.  I like the new enclsure design also, but it is cost prohibitive for many small farms.  

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Opublikowany : 10/05/2022 9:38 am
New Member

For anyone that has built the Lack enclosure for the MMU2S upgrade, what did it cost in materials and time?  Is $100 a fair estimate for materials?  I saw some folks say that the assembly was a whole day (not including the week to print the parts)?

After having spent a whole precious Saturday building my MK3S+ KIT for a whopping savings of $150, I wish that I just bought the pre-built one.  I am looking to not make the same mistake again with the enclosure.

This post was modified 3 years temu by matttbyrne
Opublikowany : 10/05/2022 2:04 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure

Sounds about right. I've built four of them. Certainly possible to assemble them in one day but you won't need a whole day. IIRC I used two spools of Prusament PETG for printing the parts.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 10/05/2022 6:04 pm
matttbyrne polubić
Honorable Member
RE: Announcing the Original Prusa Enclosure


Posted by: @matttbyrne

For anyone that has built the Lack enclosure for the MMU2S upgrade, what did it cost in materials and time?  Is $100 a fair estimate for materials?  I saw some folks say that the assembly was a whole day (not including the week to print the parts)?

After having spent a whole precious Saturday building my MK3S+ KIT for a whopping savings of $150, I wish that I just bought the pre-built one.  I am looking to not make the same mistake again with the enclosure.

You might have a problem with shipping… I thought they specifically mentioned it was broken down for shipping.  I like build experience because it makes me far more likely to modify or fix something (and screw it up occasionally).   Knowing that you can build it gives you confidence. 

Plus, more max benefit, you’ll have to move some electronics on the printer around.  Looking at the exploded view, I’ll make sure that my cordless screw driver is fully charged- it looks like a lot of little screws and bolts to twist…

I’m in for an XL, and if that will work with multi material, I’ll probably kill my MMU2 and just go MK3s and maybe even try to dedicate it to high temp printing by reprinting the plastic parts in PC+CF or maybe even going full crazy and print out the plastic parts in the BASF metal….

Opublikowany : 10/05/2022 6:27 pm
matttbyrne polubić
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