Dear printables. We need to talk about design contests.
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Dear printables. We need to talk about design contests.  

Active Member
Dear printables. We need to talk about design contests.

Hello there! I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to share some thoughts and suggestions regarding the 3D printing platform and how it manages the design competitions it hosts.

As a dedicated designer and contributor to this community, I believe in the platform's potential to foster creativity and collaboration. However, I've noticed a few areas where improvements could enhance the overall experience for both designers and enthusiasts.

I've outlined these points with the aim of contributing to a more transparent, inclusive, and rewarding environment for all. Your attention to these matters would greatly benefit the platform and its vibrant community of creators.

Point #1:
Could you please clarify the criteria used for evaluating designs? Currently, there is no feedback from the judges, and as designers, it would greatly benefit us to understand what makes a design stand out. Sometimes it seems that winning models are chosen arbitrarily and may not align with the design brief or belong to the designer used for promoting the competition (referring to the hair accessories competition). Could you explain the evaluation process, whether it's consistent across all competitions, and how you ensure impartial judging?

Point #2:
It appears there is bias towards accounts with a large following, automatically giving them more likes and downloads, which creates an unfair advantage and may discourage newcomers. I believe that exposure should be generated by the printables themselves and not depend on a designer's follower count.

Point #3:
In design competitions, it would be more logical if the judging criteria focused exclusively on design aspects. Factors such as licensing, popularity, editable source files, showcasing other works, and creating assembly instructions seem unrelated to the design itself and could be excluded from the scoring process.

Point #4:
I've been attempting to reach out to someone at Prusa to discuss these concerns for quite some time without receiving any responses, callbacks, or chat answers. It's important for content creators to have open communication with the platforms they work on. At the very least, I'd appreciate knowing how my designs were scored based on your criteria, such as Quality, Printability, and Originality.

Point #5:
The time restrictions on submitting design files can be challenging for designers like me. It often forces me to hold back on uploading designs until a competition arises, causing missed opportunities. Allowing submissions of previously designed models, regardless of their creation date, could significantly expand portfolios and alleviate concerns about timely revisions, especially for complex designs.

Point #6:
I believe design contests that request the creation of parts or accessories for Prusa printers may not align with the purpose of these competitions. Prusa has dedicated personnel for such tasks, and it might be more appropriate for designers to focus on original creations.

Point #7:
I have concerns about the requirement to keep submitted models on Printables for a year. It would be beneficial for both parties to have a more flexible approach. Can you provide more information about why this commitment is necessary, and whether there's a similar commitment from Prusa?

Point #8:
It would be great to involve the Printables community in the evaluation process for all competitions. Understanding how the community's opinions align with the judges' scores could provide valuable insights and enhance transparency in the competition.

Thank you for taking the time to consider these suggestions.

Best regards,

Napsal : 15/09/2023 9:49 am
Illustrious Member

The design competitions are a waste of filament.  There is no time properly to test any designs so all entries are prototypes at best.  The ability to filter searches to exclude all competition entries would be a useful addition to the site, as would a search BEFORE date filter.

the requirement to keep submitted models on Printables for a year

The cometitions are all about quantity, not quality.  Since the site was gamified the ratio of useful prints to garbage has plummeted.


Napsal : 15/09/2023 2:29 pm
Famed Member
RE: Dear printables. We need to talk about design contests.

Well said, Diem. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Napsal : 15/09/2023 2:37 pm
RE: Dear printables. We need to talk about design contests.

I really like Printables a lot, but today i was very surprised when my entry for the Spareparts competition was disqualified ( because it supposedly "didn't meet the criteria". Maybe I just don't understand why a zip can't be a spare part. But surely they could have at least waited for the final version, there a still 20Days+.. kind of demotivating to have no idea what happened :/.

Napsal : 21/09/2023 5:52 pm

They judge downloads over model quality; they judge aesthetics over contest rules. they allow old models that are simply "updated". They do not care about the simplest of their own rules (current winner of the dual colour two parts contest is a three colour three part model). The contests are plain unfair.

Napsal : 19/10/2024 8:19 am
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