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Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend  

New Member
Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

Hey all,

I've been getting failed prints and hot-end clogs so was waiting for the MK3S MMU2 upgrade hoping the extruder redesign may help. After dismantling my stock extruder I noticed a slight bend in the heat break as well as molten filament which had travelled up the thread of the heat-break inside the aluminium heater block. I'm guessing when I put my hardened nozzle in I didn't tighten it properly 🙁

End result is I stuffed it and need a new heat-break and heater block. I'm in Australia and the Prusa supplied items will cost me close to $100 AUD once postage is included. Support have told me I must use their heat-break as it is modified for the MK3 hot-end.
I can get a generic E3D V6 Heater block and sock ( ) and Heat-break ( ) for half the cost of the Prusa supplied one but after speaking to support, I am unsure if it will work.

Has anyone had any luck using a generic E3D V6 Hot-end or have any cheaper ideas?


Publié : 22/04/2019 8:33 am
Trusted Member
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

Has anyone had any luck using a generic E3D V6 Hot-end or have any cheaper ideas?

I'm using an E3D Titanium heat break rather than the Prusa-specific one. No issues here, have made several PLA and PETG prints since the change.

My understanding is that the Prusa-specific heat break has something to do with the MMU. If you don't have an MMU, then perhaps it doesn't matter. There's a thread on the subject here:

Publié : 22/04/2019 9:10 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

The modified heat break is what Prusa recommends for owners with the MMU. But I honestly can't see how it can possibly help loads and unloads. The reduction in friction in that last 1.2 cm can't possibly be enough to matter.



Publié : 22/04/2019 9:10 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

Thanks for the quick reply guys, much appreciated. I reckon I'll just give it a crack and see, cant hurt. (Famous last words 😉 )

Publié : 22/04/2019 9:37 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

Yeah -- I think why they have a larger diameter is for that thin strand that happens when unloading - the extra room allows the strand to fold back on itself as it renters the extruder and not jam in the heat break. So jams would be related to how clean the withdrawal is. Stringy filament worse than non-stringy filament. Prusa wouldn't take the added expense without a reason.

If you can buy a stock heat break locally, on the cheap, so to speak, it's probably worth trying. But I would expect surprises. Ask around, maybe someone with a MK3 wants to replace their's with the stock E3D version - there are a few complaining the extra 2.2 gap causes jams on their printers.

Publié : 22/04/2019 9:46 am
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

I use an E3D Hotend purchased locally in the USA. I just had to lengthen the wires,

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 22/04/2019 10:27 am
Illustrious Member
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

I use an E3D Hotend purchased locally in the USA. I just had to lengthen the wires,

You use a stock V6 with an MMU?

Publié : 22/04/2019 10:42 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

try E3d resellers in Australia

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Publié : 22/04/2019 12:02 pm
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

I use an E3D Hotend purchased locally in the USA. I just had to lengthen the wires,

You use a stock V6 with an MMU?

No. The MK3S - That is the forum we are within.

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 22/04/2019 1:49 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

No. The MK3S - That is the forum we are within.

Well - this is the MK3 and MK3S forum... lol ... however, the OP said he's waiting for his MMU upgrade to arrive. He might need the odd heat break.

Publié : 22/04/2019 4:55 pm
Re: Help! Stock E3D V6 Hotend

No. The MK3S - That is the forum we are within.

Well - this is the MK3 and MK3S forum... lol ... however, the OP said he's waiting for his MMU upgrade to arrive. He might need the odd heat break.

Ok, you can see how someone might be confused by the location. I would buy the odd heat break. I have an MMU2 on my second printer but have not purchased a hotend for it (still original).

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Publié : 22/04/2019 8:55 pm
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