Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
The XL PSUs are stuck behind the printer. Is this going to be an issue if the printer is completely inside an enclosure?
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
That was one of my concerns. I opted to build the enclosure on the framework of the printer. That left most of the electronics out of the enclosure.
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
Are you concerned that the steel side panels are going to be conducting heat out?
That was one of my concerns. I opted to build the enclosure on the framework of the printer. That left most of the electronics out of the enclosure.
Not for what I am printing. Printing ASA the enclosure is holding at 45C. That is with leaving the upper back vented area open. I haven't decided how to treat that area of the printer. You could make some thin foam or a reflective material panel for those areas. I haven't felt the need to insulate any areas right now.
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
What about if you print a curtain made from TPU that hangs from the back panel and allows the cables and tubes to pass through?
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
I don't think you would have to cover the entire back. You can take a look at the enclosure here.
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
I have been following your build and looking forward to the final product and details.
For me simply buying a sheet to enclose the whole printer will be easiest except for the PSU and electronics issue.
A full also enclosure allows me more freedom in the design for heating and circulation since there is space.
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
does anyone know where to find cad designs for the XL?
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
I'm going down this road I ordered the acrylic, and the parts have been printed in nylonX and all the hardware is here. Might have some results on January 27.
RE: Prusa XL Enclosure - PSU
I had the same concerns as I've also fully enclosed my XL. I tried tracking down more information on the Delta PSUs but I couldn't even find them listed on the website let alone a recommended operating temperature range. Asked a friend who works in and on data processing centers; told him I'd be running the enclosure at <90F and he said it shouldn't be any kind of problem and not to worry about it. Although he did add that he thought the thermal weak point was the LCD, so I'm working on getting that part outside. I originally thought the LCD position on the XL design was just an accident waiting to happen but since Prusa is parking the LCD so far out of the machine maybe I should get it out of the enclosure too.
The XL PSUs are stuck behind the printer. Is this going to be an issue if the printer is completely inside an enclosure?