Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?
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Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?  

Active Member
Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?

Hello everyone!

I'm new to 3D printing, finally have PETG printing pretty well, with the exception of filament sticking to the nozzle pretty bad. It's causing fine stringing - not enough to ruin the print, but I do need to clean the prints up afterwards. It ends up looking a bit like a spider got onto my printer. (It's not the worst stringing I've seen, but it's something I'd like to solve.)

I recently tried an Obxidian .4 nozzle, but I had a bear of a time getting the temperatures right to prevent the thing from clogging. I boosted the temps quite a bit, and it would print pretty good, but eventually get partial clogs, and was just a major headache for a newbie like me.

Does anyone have luck with plated copper nozzles with their XL? Is there a nozzle that works particularly well for PETG? I see there's an E3D V6 nozzle adapter I could use with a plated copper nozzle, but I wanted to see if anyone has any experience with this and PETG. Any help would be sincerely appreciated!



Opublikowany : 24/03/2024 5:41 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?

I use the 0.4mm ObXidians all the time with PLA and PETG (different brands) and have no issues with clogging. I expect your filament to be the issue for the clogging.

The ObXidians stick definitively less than the usual brass ones but they still stick a little. Make sure that nothing sticks to the nozzle during the first purge in the front. This makes sure that the nozzle is clean an there is no surplus material brought to the print.

Opublikowany : 25/03/2024 8:16 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?

This might be heresy but I've tried brass, nickel-coated copper, Obxidian, hardened steel, tungsten carbide, etc. etc. and from what I've seen I think the differences in filament sticking to the nozzle are marginal. With PETG in particular I would suggest it's more important to dry it properly than what nozzle type you're using. Of course, there are valid arguments for using one type over another (like resistance to abrasive materials) but filament sticking I have a hard time accepting as one.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Opublikowany : 25/03/2024 2:45 pm
EastMemphis polubić
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Best Nozzles for PETG to avoid filament sticking to nozzle?

Thanks for the replies. I ordered a plated copper one just to try out, but I am printing directly from a filament dryer, so I don't think that's the problem. What I'm actively trying to make is an enclosure for my XL, so I wonder if there's slight warping going on due to not having an enclosure, causing the nozzle to eventually pick up filament as it runs over warped areas. An overnight print was actually ruined because of this.



Opublikowany : 25/03/2024 2:50 pm