Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?
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Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?  

Active Member
Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?

Hello everyone!

I'm new around here, and new to 3D printing in general. I used to sculpt in clay and make silicone molds, but I don't have the space for that anymore, so 3D printing seemed like a good replacement, and will be very cost effective in the long run. I'm diving in headfirst with a dual head PrusaXL, I've had it for two or three months now. I'm focusing on PETG because it suits my applications well (masks and other cosplay type pieces), though it's been a pain in the butt fine tuning things. I'm getting decent prints now after a ton of tweaking, and a ton of reading topics on this very forum. There's a real wealth of knowledge here, and I appreciate that!

I'm having a couple of minor problems now, solutions for which I have not been able to find. Maybe someone can help.

The first issue is kinda strange, but the first line of infill on the first layer, for some reason, is scrunched up against the perimeter. It's like....slightly wavy? I'll put a picture here, it's hard to describe. These waves basically disappear by the third layer or so, but it's still odd and I'd like to fix it. I'm assuming this has something to do with extrusion width? Maybe elephant's foot compensation? Anyone have any ideas? I've drawn a yellow line to highlight where the filament is rising slightly. It's actually pretty consistent, it goes slightly up, then down, up, then down. It's as if its too close to the innermost perimeter. The prints turn out fine otherwise, but I'd still like to fix it.


Second, PETG is obviously very sticky, and while I've gotten stringing down a ton since I started, it's still happening. Mostly because some of the filament is sticking to the brass nozzle, and then getting strung around over the course of the print. It's not a huge deal, but I've fine tuned the retraction settings, temps, all of that, but inevitably a little bit of filament gets stuck to the nozzle and causing fine stringing. Is this just inevitable? Can I do anything to helps? I've got a new E3D Obxidian nozzle coming in the mail any day now, which I'm hoping helps. Again, the prints turn out ok, just some fine stringing I'd love to try and fix. I need to get this machine printing as consistently and reliably as possible.

I'll leave some of my settings here. Again, I'm new to the forum so I'm not sure what the etiquette is for this. If I can send the gcode somehow, which seems like it would be easier, let me know and I'm happy to do so!



Thanks all! -Jordan



Napsal : 20/03/2024 5:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?

My apologies, I realize the first picture above is not that clear. I've underlined the areas where the infill is raised slightly instead, this makes it a little clearer. As you can see, it goes up, then back to normal, up, back to normal, and so forth. I wish I was able to get a clearer picture but that's the best my phone would do!


Napsal : 20/03/2024 6:52 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?

I could be wrong since I havent had to use it yet, but if that is your first layer it looks waay too high, esp on the textured sheet, and it might be because you set your Z offset to raise from the bed an additional .2mm

If zero is too high then it should be set to -.2mm not .2mm. However, .2mm seems quite large too me, like an entire layer height large. I would try something smaller than that first to lessen the risk of digging into your bed.


XL-5T, MK3S MMU3 || GUIDE: How to print with multiple-nozzlesizes do read updated replies || PrusaSlicer Fork with multi-nozzlesize freedom || How Feasible is Printing PETG for PLA supports on XL very

Napsal : 23/03/2024 1:22 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Peculiar srunched infill on first PETG layer? Plus filament sticking to brass nozzle?

Thank you for your reply! I'm actually using the smooth sheet, but yeah, I've adjusted the offset after doing some test prints and it's printing a better first layer now.

Napsal : 24/03/2024 5:43 pm