Multimaterial Painting issue with "depth" of painting
Hi All
Sorry if this is in the wrong section or if it has already been explained. I wasn't able to find anything... 😇
I painted the Bacteriophage from Mi Réplica 3D to give it a cooler look than a one colour print. This is how it should look:
I was wondering why the whipe tower is as high as it is and also has green (default colour) in it. There is no green in the top section. During inspection I found these small green dots:
I tried repainting it with the sphere brush hoping that the brush goes deeper under the surface but it doesn't. If I check the painted parts there is no green visible. Here is another example:
I wanted to use translucent PETG for all the colours. But if there are green dots in the translucend head of the bacteriophage they might be visible. 🙄Â
I've attached the project. Maybe someone has an explanation or some ideas how to get around this issue.
Thanks in advance!
RE: Multimaterial Painting issue with "depth" of painting
I can't tell you why it happened, but the workaround would be to set the default extruder to 4/white and then painting the legs 1/green. Should only take like 10 seconds and the bucket tool to fix.
It might also be beneficial to post this in PS' github because 2.7.2's big thing was fixing this kind of issue. Always more bugs to be squashed.
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RE: Multimaterial Painting issue with "depth" of painting
Thanks for the workaround @BaconFase.
I reported it in GitHub and also linked to this forum post.