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xLCD issues  

Eminent Member
xLCD issues

I have a 2 week old OPXL 2 head that printed fine for 6 smaller prints. I started a 36hr print and 30 mins in the xLCD went blank (white). Turning the control knob caused the xLCD to rapidly flash, but then would return to blank. The model printed beautifully, but I had no control of printer. During filament change I had to guess responses to get it done. I reseated all the cabling, which has good strain relief, with no change in behavior. It might boot okay, it might go to a black screen. Sometimes the image on screen is reversed, sometimes it flashes. I did a factory reset firmware load and same thing happened during calibration. I did several resets and was able to get through calibration. Testing a model print now. Chat seems to think it's a cabling issue. Anyone else have similar problems?

Posted : 27/10/2023 7:31 pm
Active Member
RE: xLCD issues

I have the same issue. It started a few days after the first print. The xLCD randomly goes black, or sometimes white and then black. Rarely it recovers on its own. I have not noticed any correlation between moving the cables and the display glitching. Resetting the printer consistently fixes the display, but it's obviously not a great workaround. When I have the time I'll contact support, but the last time I tried the queue was over one hour...

Posted : 30/10/2023 9:23 am
Active Member
Update: 1st live chat

Support told me to check the cables for pinching too. I did check, and the cables look perfectly fine. After putting the cabling back in place the issue remains.

Posted : 01/11/2023 3:39 pm
Active Member
RE: xLCD issues

I'm starting to experience this as well.  I found another thread in this forum 'Display Issues' with similar concerns with no resolution. link here

I'm subscribing to this thread as well in hope that if a solution is found someone will post it.

Posted : 19/11/2023 6:11 pm
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: xLCD issues

I previously followed all the boilerplate suggestions from the other post, which exactly mimicked what support was telling me, and the problem persisted for awhile...then it automatically fixed itself for an unknown reason. However, after reseating the cabling didn't solve the problem I decided (on my own) to perform a full factory reset. I reapplied the firmware and recalibrated the XL It had some problems getting through the recalibration of the nextruders with a number of reported collision errors. The xLCD was flaky for a half day after that, then automagically cleared itself up. After it started working again, support advised me not to touch the cabling or connectors again. Maybe it was cabling, maybe it was firmware.

 The XL has been working fine for several weeks now and making great prints.

Support tells us to check all the cables and reseat them, which isn't a bad idea. However, reseating the very small goldfish cable on the xLCD board is a maddening adventure in excess miniaturization. the 3mm wide goldfish cable is held in place by a 3mm x 2mm detachable snap-on retainer plate that affixes to the connector mounted on the PC board. It doesn't pivot or slide as most others do. The first challenge is to get it off without it flying. The even more problematic challenge is trying to get it clipped back over the goldfish and into the connector without damaging the cable or board. It required over 40 minutes with micro tweezers. There simply has to be a better solution.

My suspicion, having worked in camera and micro-electronics repair for a number of years, is that there might be something else happening. Maybe unshielded cabling or possibly feedback noise from the servo motors...something weird like that. Or maybe excess solar flare activity or passing Leonid meteors.

Posted : 19/11/2023 7:00 pm
Active Member
Update: Replacement received

Prusa sent me a replacement with no fuss, which is great.

When I asked, the support agent confirmed that it is not a unique issue but rather a somewhat common one.

I will post here if the replacement doesn't work perfectly.

Posted : 24/11/2023 7:26 pm
Chris Pezz

I was having this issue with my MK4. If you look underneath the xLCD, there are two cables. I messed around with the positioning of the rectangular gray one (Sorry, I do not know the name of this specific cable) and the xLCD started working as intended. The wires may just be oriented such that it is disrupting the xLCD. This fix doesn't require you to unplug anything; just nudge the wires in a few directions to see if the position allows for proper operation. 

This post was modified 8 months ago by Chris Pezz
Posted : 20/06/2024 2:40 pm
Alberto Garcia
RE: xLCD issues

What was replaced?  The LCD, the cable?

Posted : 28/07/2024 3:37 pm