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XL Loose Belt Retainers  

Estimable Member
XL Loose Belt Retainers

Check your belt retainer screws!

This is just an FYI.  I had been having seemingly random homing errors.  I started with checking belt tension, using the both the belt tuner app and by checking the carriage against the front of the frame.  I could never get the tension perfect on both sides, 1 was a little loose and the other to tight.  They were both close so I let it go. 

I continued to have weird homing errors and random crashes.  During one of the crashes the belt retainer cover got some scuffing on it so I decided to reprint it. 

Low and behold when I took the cover off all of the screws on both belt retainers were loose and once the cover was off the upper belt fell out of the retainer.

I have never taken this apart so it had to have come this way from Prusa, or they worked themselves loose form heating and cooling cycles.  

So I added some thread locker and put it back together.  When I tensioned the belts this time I easily got both sides perfect. 

So next time your doing maintenance it might be for to make sure the screws on your belt retainer are tight.

Opublikowany : 20/09/2024 8:37 pm