Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?
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Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?  

Christopher Tjalsma
Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

X-axis shift of over 1". Happens randomly. Belts seem fine.



Respondido : 17/12/2023 6:15 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

I am not sure if it is optimal to use a zöllisches Maß here..  for everyone It is 2,54cm.

Apart from that I have never heard that happen on a XL. It is hard for me to imagine this isn't a software or electronics problem. IMHO for the XL to skip that much the belts would have to be suuuhhper loose. Can you check if you print it again if it will happen at the exact same point? If you ask it after the print get the other tool will it fail? I mean it should since it thinks it is 2,54cm further to the right than it actually is.

Respondido : 18/12/2023 11:22 am
Noble Member
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

Does the XL have crash detection? If so, turn it off. 

Mk3s MMU2s, Voron 0.1, Voron 2.4

Respondido : 18/12/2023 12:23 pm
Christopher Tjalsma
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

My apologies, @acht. The layer shift is approximately 25mm, and happens at a different layer each time. A robotics engineer told me he suspects that the X-axis encoder is experiencing noise.

Respondido : 18/12/2023 3:08 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

There is no x axis encoder.


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 18/12/2023 3:40 pm
Christopher Tjalsma
Topic starter answered:
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

The layer shift is consistently in the X direction, and both Tool1 and Tool2 will produce the shift. The layer height where it occurs is random, and not dependent on settings such as layer height and Speed/Structural. I'm ready to start replacing parts, but which ones? Motors are not yet available on the website.


Respondido : 18/12/2023 4:29 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

It won’t be the stepper motors. I’ve never seen a stepper fail in over 12 years of 3d printing.

Also assume you’ve looked at the pulleys on the steppers real carefully and ensured all set screws are secure.

Can we assume you’re not using the supplied thumb drive which is craptastic.?

Also assuming you’ve not turned off any sensors and all are working correctly. It’s a safe bet you’re not crashing and going out of register, given the fw senses the current and can detect motor stalls. If it were working and this was a crash it would indicate it or simply reboot.

Id look directly at the gcode. Look for anomalies in the code.

Respondido : 29/12/2023 5:30 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Where should I start troubleshooting this print failure?

And you’re not using connect, link or octo. Right?

Respondido : 29/12/2023 5:39 pm