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USB disconnection while Printing  

Marvin Jeub
USB disconnection while Printing

Hello everyone,

My Prusa XL is driving me crazy. For several weeks now, the printer has been experiencing USB disconnects during prints. I know that this issue is already known, and I have tried several solutions, but unfortunately, none have worked.

I initially updated from the firmware version where the USB error first appeared (6.1.0) to the latest available version at the time (6.1.2). Unfortunately, this update did not resolve the error and introduced further problems. For example, after resuming a print following a USB disconnect, the extruders were swapped, and an element that was supposed to be printed in black according to Prusa Slicer was instead printed using the extruder with yellow filament. Additionally, there were other issues, such as the extruder stopping in the middle of a print job while remaining at temperature without pausing. When I attempted to pause the print in the hope that it would resume normally, the screen froze, and I was forced to restart the printer, losing the print job.

Before these issues, I had tried different USB sticks and reformatted the Prusa USB stick, but none of these attempts helped. As recommended by support, I rolled back to earlier firmware releases. I first tried version 6.0.4, but after experiencing another USB disconnect following a print, I downgraded to 6.0.0, again without success.

I would be grateful for any advice or ideas.

Postato : 05/09/2024 5:20 am
RE: USB disconnection while Printing

Hi Marvin.

I am getting these starting with my latest print last night. I KNOW that I pinched a ribbon cable for the LCD when I was building it - but have so far not noticed any issues. I would think that this could be my issue - I'm going to repair the pinch - you might want to check yours - since you've tried everything else. Me, I'm going to start with this repair because I know it exists already - then move on. 

Postato : 18/09/2024 5:18 pm