RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
I've had my 5T xl for about 2 weeks. The issue just started happening over night. Im printing a single color petg part with PLA supports. The PETG extruder keeps giving a filament stuck error at roughly the same point every time. The filament is not jammed, if I stop the print and manually extrude filament comes out fine. I changed the petg from extruder 1 to extruder 2, no difference. I've done 3 cold pulls. I realized the file. I tried a different roll of filament. The part that makes no sense to me, if this was a firmware but it's been working fine For the last 2 weeks, why start now. Last thing to try is I'm gonna print other parts to see if it's somehow related to this stl.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Update to my previous post. The print that kept failing repeatedly is an assembly of 8 different single color parts with pla supports. I was curious if there was an issue with one specific part, since it kept seeming to fail at around 12% and kept failing every time the print head went to part what i will call part "a". I went into Prusa slicer, and the only change I made was i hid every component, and tried to print one at a time. I made no other changes in the slicer. every single one of the 8 parts printed successfully when done 1 at a time! I then tried to print the whole thing again as just one print, and it again failed at roughly 12%. Now this isn't a huge print. All 8 parts printed at 60% infill, with 6 walls and 6 top and bottom layers only uses about 47g of petg (objects +wipe tower), and 88 grams of PLA(supports + wipe tower).
I'm just spitballing and rambling here trying to think some things out in a way that seem logical to me, but i admit i have very little idea of what i'm talking about:
So in my mind I wonder why this is. I've been considering this all day. I'm no expert in 3d printing, but i've ruled out a lot of things and i tried to think, how does the stuck filament detection work, it measures back pressure via the load cell in the toolhead. I'm not 100% sure how this works, i'd love to see a diagram explaining the implemntation, but I know what back pressure is. so what could cause back pressure?
I thought could it be due to part "a" because it kept failing on part "a" as it was starting to do a 45ish degree overhang, but the part completed successfully on it's own, so no the part itself isn't "unprintable" in some way. Each individual print time was shorter, so maybe this is related to print time. Maybe the nozzle starts to get gummed up? But it seemed very consistent in happening at the same percentage into the print, and i thoroughly cleaned the nozzle when i resumed the print only to have it error when it started printing on "part a". Maybe the print time is causing some kind of heat creep? but i've printed longer prints with no issue, and the printhead significantly cooled down between the printing pausing and me resuming it by "unloading/loading" filament and it would immediately error out again after getting back to part "a'.
Now maybe it is related a combination of print time and the part geometry? Maybe printing one at a time each part stayed warmer and didn't have a chance to cool down, and printing multiple parts on the same bed caused the parts to cool down and warp slightly? Part "a" was a somewhat long rectangular part. It seems like it kept failing at the same point, so if it was warping it was doing so very consistently. But if this happened maybe it cause the print head to get a little too close to the part causing more back pressure?
Running an XL with 6.2.0 firmware and having the same basic issue, mine seems to be specific for faster, short movements, and currently almost exclusively on the 0.25mm layer height speed preset. Given the circumstances, I think there's something about the way the extruder is handling the filament that makes it think the spool is dragging even when it isn't. I get several fails without a stuck spool or noticeable damage to the filament per print with 0.25mm layers speed setting, and none with finer heights and slower speeds. Just had another 0.25mm layer height print stop because of another false positive, and this time on reloading, it immediately failed again - when I pulled the filament to look at the end in the toolhead, the filament had extruder marks but no rubbing present, but I did see a small bowed section that I hadn't noticed in other pulled ends - perhaps plays a role in the fault. I've only had it happen on one toolhead and only with PETG, but I also print mostly PETG with support PLA on the second, so this could just be because of how frequently it gets used compared to the other.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Hi, concerning the stuckt filament issue, in the Menu I disabled the so called "stucked filament detection" (or similar name), in my case that helped.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Yes, it helped me too, but the prints are far from ideal. Skipping lines now.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Yes, disabling the detection does fix it (and has for me), but it still is a useful feature to detect binding or a cross under in the winding of the filament, so I'd rather leave it on if possible.
Also had an issue where the extruder stopped registering and hard crashed - no chance of recovery - a few times following my stuck filament detection issue. The Prusa knowledgebase article where it tells you to remove the plastic strain relief on the connector on the toolhead side did work - but it's a bit alarming that the thing designed to fix that problem caused it. I hope there is a new revision of the printed parts that includes a better locking mechanism so that the strain relief can function properly without partly disconnecting the connector over time.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Did not see the Prusa knowledge base article, can u send a link.
I do have the Prusa enclosure and improved parts.
Also had an issue with the filament detection, the test works out, but in while printing it does not, it does not alarm when the spool is empty, just goes on printing air.
For now, I am not printing anymore due to extreme stringing with PETG, waiting for a dryer. Hopefully that helps.
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
Detected stuck filament occurred for me for the first time today on MK4S, after printing for around half a year with absolutely no issues, running firmware 6.2.2.
I unloaded the filament and loaded it back in according to the instructions but there is nothing stuck, I do hear some weird clicking sound before the error pops up, so I've tried to downgrade the firmware, cold pull, but nothing works.I was able to print the part with detection turned off but I do see some left out parts/strings 2 - 3 cm long, that's probably where the clicking sounds happens.
HOWEVER, what is very interesting, luckily I am printing the part in 7 different colors these are the fillaments that caused the error:Fillamentum RED PLA 2kg rollPrusament Orange PLA 1kg roll
The error did not occur for:Prusament PLA Pink 1kg rollPrusament PLA Blend Royal Blue 1kg roll
I tried increasing the temperature to 225°C, still same issue but occuring LESS!I increased the temperature to 230°C and first issue happened at 70%, which is a huge improvement because before it was heppening like every 1 - 5 minutes.However then I tried 233°C from those 70% that stopped in the previous step and it happened again at 74% and at 76% so since then I turned off the stuck filament detection and I heared the clicking sound (when it would usually pop up the error and stop printing) like 8 times until it finished.
I think there might be a problem with the slicing or something.
Will try some other settings.