Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?
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Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?  

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Active Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

Posted : 03/09/2024 3:16 pm
Active Member


Posted by: @glenn-skala

I've been having success printing PETG after re-flashing back to firmware 6.0.1 until recently.  Previously I had flashed to firmware 6.0.3 after Prusa Enclosure installation but it resulted in many stuck filament errors.

I am now getting only one stuck filament error in the same spot on every print of multiple different two-color parts.   The error always occurs just as the first tool has finished the first layer and executes the first wipe pass in the wipe tower area.  On the printer, this wipe pass has a 20-30 mm gap in it as the stuck filament error is detected.

Below is a screen shot of the g-code in PrusaSlicer  2.8.0 stopped at the point where the stuck filament error occurs every time (between lines 10986 and 10989). 

I'm not a G-Code expert by any means but I wonder if making the width 1mm (comment on line 10985) is too much flow for the 0.4mm nozzle or if the G1 F12538 is too fast.  Either way, I have no idea how to correct it.  Any help is appreciated.


Try disabling it all together. I'm getting these errors all the time (also after latest firmware where it was automatically enabled again). After disabling it I haven't had a single problem.


This post was modified 6 months ago by Cato
Posted : 03/09/2024 4:18 pm
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

I have the same problem with my new XL prusa and 2 extruders.

The first 5 days everything worked fine and now I get stuck filament during the extruder change but only with PLA. I have now increased the temperature of the PLA from 230 to 240 degrees and the error now occurs less often but unfortunately still too often, if I turn off the filament flow monitoring it ruins my print.

Strangely enough, the error only appeared after several days.Is there anyone here who has already found a remedy, which can be reproduced, unfortunately the support has not helped here, which is very disappointing anyway.

Posted : 02/10/2024 8:35 pm
Justin Gossett
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

YESSS!!! I have spent the past 4 days with Prusa's online Tech Chat. My Printer worked perfectly for about 5-6 days. Then I switched over to PETG from PLA and about 3 hours into a 6 hour print the Stuck Filament error started happening on Extruder 1, I had to reload it at least 3 times then Extruder 2 started doing. The Funny thing is that neither one had any stuck filament! I was on Prusa Help Chat a total of 13 hours troubleshooting what's causing it. I know more about the Nextruder than I ever cared to but hey I can confidently dismantle and put it back together in a flash lol.

This has been driving me crazy because I invested in this because I was tired of constantly troubleshooting my other printers lol. Ironic I've spent more time on this printer troubleshooting than actually printing.

Posted : 06/10/2024 10:09 pm
Justin Gossett
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

Adding to my message below. My filament stuck error is also happening in the same exact area with both toolheads! I am using 6.0.3 Did anyone figure out the cause or solution.. besides turning off the Stuck Filament Detection?

Posted : 06/10/2024 10:21 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

In my opinion the Stuck Filament Detection in XL is only partially working because it has too many false positives.

Furthermore, the false positives are very consistent in prints. Meaning they happen at the exact same point in the print when printing multiple duplicates of the same part.

I used it during a 20Kg filament project during this summer, with most parts sharing the same structure, and it would trigger a stuck at the exact same location in every part.

In my opinion the detection is too sensitive.


Posted : 08/10/2024 8:23 am
Eminent Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

I guess I just don’t get it. Why does everyone continue to complain about the Stuck filament detection feature? I have an MK3S with MMU3 that is working just fine — because I just turned Stuck Filament Detection off in settings.  I did this months ago because of the same problems everyone is complaining about, and I haven’t had a problem since.

Posted : 08/10/2024 4:25 pm
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

Not everybody has problems regarding that function…in my case the function works great. I have real filament sticking and without that function the print would be unusable.

Posted : 08/10/2024 4:39 pm
XL beta tester for far too long
Eminent Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

This feature works for me (twice) in a 40 hour print on XL. The problem is there is so much friction in the bowden tube it almost appears to be stuck. No more that 80 hours on that printhead/tube. Compressed air does not work.

Posted : 28/10/2024 4:33 pm

In my case the problem was that the nozzles were fixed to strong…the guide tube was slightly pinched an caused the filament stuck…that’s how I got it from factory…I got 2 new ones and all is working well now


This post was modified 4 months ago 2 times by Tim
Posted : 28/10/2024 4:49 pm
Active Member

I have the same problem, still with FW 6.1.3 It startet a few weeks ago after mounting the original XL Enclosure. I changed the belts, the nozzels, the tubes, the spool positions (to the back side) and tryed several combination in the slicer. I´m not sure if I should upgrade the FW to the alpha version 6.2.0A2 or downgrade to 6.0.1

This post was modified 4 months ago by Noshoes
Posted : 10/11/2024 10:50 am
New Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

Same problem here with a pretty new XL with 5 nextruders and PLA. I'm using an enclosure. After a lot of pausing with this error, I deactivated the stuck filament detection. And later on I had trouble with stucked filament. I had to cancel the 3 day job after one day... Grrrrr!

I guess, that Prusa is delivering also the actual printers not with the necessary CF parts for use in an enclosure... Sorry, but that's bad for an almost 4000 € printer!


Best regards, Pierre


Posted : 10/11/2024 7:34 pm
Active Member
UPDATE: found problem


I think I found the problem. It is the InputShaper-Profile which causes the problems (at least at my XL). After checking the Firmware, Hardware and Slicer as I wrote, I changed to the "normal" (not IS) printer profile, and everythings works great now, no errors and the print quality is outstanding (FW 6.1.3)

Posted : 11/11/2024 12:12 pm
Active Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

Sorry, FW 6.1.3 still doesn´t work. I try variations of 6.0.X now.

Posted : 11/11/2024 7:59 pm
New Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?


Posted by: @pierre-2

I guess, that Prusa is delivering also the actual printers not with the necessary CF parts for use in an enclosure…

Sorry, Prusa, for my guess. I have to correct it: Prusa delivers the XL actually with the necessary PCCF-parts for use in an enclosure! 

Posted : 12/11/2024 12:24 pm
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

I have only had stuck filament on a Prusa XL 5 tool when I used TTYT3D silk PLA filament. Couldn't throw it in the trash fast enough (running 6.1.3 firrmware). Never had it any other time. Amazon doesn't sell it anymore.

Posted : 02/12/2024 8:16 pm

Thank you tim-16 this was my problem as well. An overtightened screw that made a dent in my nozzle.

This post was modified 2 months ago by wafflecart
Posted : 19/01/2025 9:46 am
Trusted Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?


Posted by: @ntdesign

There are other threads in the forum where people were using third-party or selfmade enclosures and have developed these issues. The idler levers are known to soften under mechanical load when they get warm, and then you lose pressure and the filament gets stuck. Once it happened the parts don't recover. The only solution right now seems to be to replace them with PCCF or similar material parts. It's not related to the load cell or stuck filament detection, although the sensor might possibly trigger when it clogs. Newer printers come with these parts by default.
My recommendation is to ask a friend to reprint the parts for you, replace them and keep your enclosure fully open for the time being. Then at least you're printing until you can get PCCF replacements.
Edit: Here's which parts you need and how to swap them:

I can't thank you enough for this info. My XL has been failing for months, and things got particularly bad in the last week. In my case, the nozzle would usually jam after 60 minutes of printing with higher-temperature filaments like PETG or ASA. PLA was no problem. My XL is one of the earliest 2-tool kits, and it is in an enclosure from 3D Upfitters.

Following your link to the Nextruder upgrade, I printed the idler parts and fan shroud with ASA since it is quite tolerant of high temperatures. I can see how much stiffer the idler is, which suggests that PETG was not a suitable material. It's currently 90 minutes into an 8-hour print, past the point when it would fail. It's early to say conclusively that this is the fix, but things look very good for now.

I agree that PCCF or ASA-CF would be a better choice than ASA, but this is enough to get the printer working again. And I think I've found the root cause. Thanks again. If we ever meet in real life, I will buy you a drink.

Posted : 21/01/2025 6:04 am
ssmith liked
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

For me its new, happened today, checked and cleaned, tried to restart, but error came up within a minute or so,like 10x.

I am on 6.1.3+7898 , and can back this.

Lost the print, and switched off the Stuck sensor, hoping for the best now.

Posted by: @noshoes

Sorry, FW 6.1.3 still doesn´t work. I try variations of 6.0.X now.


Posted : 26/01/2025 11:52 pm
Brian Simpson
Active Member
RE: Stuck filament detection causing filament to get stuck?

I have an original single-tool that I upgraded to a 2 tool-head last year. So original PETG extruder parts. I purchased an XL enclosure last Spring and last week finally got around to assembling it. Immediately I started having the stuck filament problems despite never having them in the past. I usually print carbon fiber PETG which has a nozzle temperature of 240 so the machine is used to somewhat higher temps and yet never had a stuck filament or a false positive notification. Additionally I have never used the input shaper profile for the machine. I also do not close the enclosure top or bottom baffles.

Looking for answers I found this thread and others. So far I have taken apart my toolhead #2 including the nextruder gears, cleaned everything out and reassembled. Toolhead #1 was partially dis-assembled and cleaned. No difference in performance although I do wonder if I have then idler-swivel too tight; I have played with a few different settings but that does not appear to help either.

Where I am seeing the stuck filament problem is when I attempt to print a multi-color print with a filament tower on the back of the print bed. If I just print a single color using one toolhead the printer does ok for even extended prints. The stuck filament notice appears when the color change goes back to the first toolhead.

Next I will attempt to turn off the stuck filament notification and see if that helps. But at first glance my problem appears to be with the new idler parts that came with the enclosure.


Posted : 10/02/2025 9:50 pm
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