Set Support Interface XY Separation to Zero - How To?
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Set Support Interface XY Separation to Zero - How To?  

Trusted Member
Set Support Interface XY Separation to Zero - How To?


I am struggling to get a near perfect bottom surface for a PETG print with PLA supports. So I did some tinkering and made it kinda work. But there is one thing I cannot change anywhere, neither in PrusaSlicer nor in OrcaSlicer. Here you can see the bottom part of a Sphere printed in mid-air with snug supports, contact distance is 0.

With a rectalinear support it is more visible what I mean. Here is another image, also from the next layer, without the bottom fill which would obstruct the view:

This is with bottom fill, just for completion. You can see that doing it this way, not every perimeter of the next layer is fully supported as its being printed right on that gap.

So the big question: Which setting is responsible to adjust that gap? I call it XY Support Interface Separation. I did not find any setting related to that.


Thanks for helping me out!

Posted : 04/10/2024 5:14 pm
Active Member
RE: Set Support Interface XY Separation to Zero - How To?

I've had a few cases of similar odd gapping in support generation despite interface density at 100% and separation set to 0%, have tried many other adjustments too (support type, angle, etc.)

I figured I'm probably overlooking a setting somewhere, but my solution until I can better tinker with the slicer settings is to create my own support object and assigning a custom support material filament profile to it. Gets the job done most of the time.

This can be done with simpler shapes within the slicer (using Add Shape for the primitive, then adding a negative volume using "Load..." with the same stl) but I've typically done it in my modelling software so I can control and align it more easily.

Posted : 04/10/2024 6:26 pm