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Removing Print Sheet causes Modular Bed Error?  

Eminent Member
Removing Print Sheet causes Modular Bed Error?

So I'd been having a lot of thermal issues lately, mostly starting when I began printing ASA in my enXLosure.    Lots and lots of modular bed errors.   Couldn't get bed to temp, bed current errors, bed sensor errors, all kinds of stuff like that. 

Turns out that the cable between the modular bed controller and the sandwich board was compromised at the factory (the trim metal that goes over it squished 2 of the 5 conductors, which I only found after getting this error code (that I'm still getting) that asked "Inspect the wiring between the Sandwich board and the Modular Bed for a loose connection, or a broken cable."  Previously I'd been on with TS for a good couple months chasing that issue, but only when this error popped up did I find the squished data lines between the boards.

Once I found it and spliced the cable (and Prusa TS has sent a replacement) that issue went away.

I'm still getting an occasional thermal runaway error on extruder 1 (and there's nothing I can see in the cabling that's an issue there).

However I'm still getting the same error that led me to finding the cabling issue, but it ONLY occurs post print, and ONLY when I remove the print sheet.

If I remove the sheet I get a V5BSC9U2 / 17303  Modular Bed Error - Unexpected Invalid Current error ( ).  

It literally occurs within seconds of removing the print sheet to swap for a different one, and always occurs post print when setting up for the next print.

I have absolutely no clue what the hell would cause that.   If I leave the sheet on the bed, it's fine, but if I remove it, after a print job, blammo, up comes the error.

It doesn't happen 100% of the time (about 60-70%) and once the error dialog pops up on the screen the XL goes to black screen and reboots.

Prusa TS has no idea what the hell would cause this, and either do I.   It's not like the bed is actively heating, it's not doing anything, as it's post print and just sitting there awaiting the next print job.

It's not random, it only occurs when I physically remove the print sheet.   Doesn't seem to matter which sheet is getting removed, just that one is.

We went on vacation for 10 days and I just left it sitting there without any errors popping up at all, yet the second I pulled the sheet after the next print job it was right back in my face again.

I don't see an evidence of physical damage, or tile scratches.   I pulled the entire heated and went over it with a fine tooth comb with a 20x magnifying loop.   I pulled ever tile connector cable and checked for shorts and continuity and looked for unusual resistances.  There were none.   There was no evidence on the bed controller that anything had fried (i.e. none of the telltale color changes and bulges you typically see when a SMD component gets fried).

This is just the weirdest damn thing I've ever encountered, as there's literally zero electrical connection of any kind between the print sheet and the rest of the printer. 

Any ideas what this might be?

This topic was modified před 4 hours by LewnWorx
Napsal : 07/10/2024 6:11 pm