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Power for Raspberry Pi Pico from the printer?  

Active Member
Power for Raspberry Pi Pico from the printer?

I have currently a Raspberry Pi Pico W on the back of my XL. It is connected to 2 strips of RGB Leds on the 'arms': controlled from HomeAssistant these LEDs light up automatically when Octoprint is on 'Printing', and the front few Leds change color according the temperature of the bed. Works well enough for now. The Octoprint-Raspberry4 is also at the back of the printer. Added convenience: I get an HomeAssistant notification when a print is done...

I am now going to place my three separate Raspis (Octoprint, HomeAssistant and PiHole) together as Compute Modules CM4 on one ITX-sized board (Turing Pi 2.5) which will be a bit further away from the printer. A good quality USB-C cable will cover the 3m distance.

However: the current Raspi4 is powering the Pi Pico. This will not work when the Octoprint device is further away from the printer...

Thus my question: is there a way to get power for a raspberry pi (and its connected 2x30 RGB Leds) from the XL somehow? Is there a power terminal where I can connect, screw or solder (*gasp*) a 5v cable to?


Thanks in advance!

Publié : 13/12/2024 3:21 pm
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