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Nozzle Temperature Display disappears?  

Active Member
Nozzle Temperature Display disappears?

I have just assembled my 2 head XL and I noticed that after be probing when the nozzle temperature is rising from the 170 to the PLA printing temp 230 the LCD display shows nozzle temp --- and on prusa link the tempature graph drops to zero.  When the nozzle reaches 230 then suddently the LCD display shows 230/230 and the prusa link graph jumps to 230.

Because you can't see the target temp and actual temp rising it looks like the printer is doing nothing???  Is this the same for everyone? 

Thanks Paul


Best Answer by BaconFase:

After the bed probing all tools get heated for the initial prime/wipe at the sheet's front edge. If T2 was still cold then it takes that time to heat up. And during that time the selector isn't attached to any tool, so nothing to report back.

The graph drops to zero whenever there's no tool in the selector. During a print its just a quick spike while it switches. In your case, looks like there was a minute and a half wait for T1/2 to get up to temp before picking a tool up to continue the startup process. Once it picks up the tool it will report back that that tool is at 230.


Here's the VOD for my last print. At 00:03:20 it finishes up the bed probing, parks T1 into it's dock, and just waits without a tool selected for the next tool to get heated for the initial purge/prime at the front of the bed. The second tool gets picked up at ~00:05:04, ~1.5 minutes later. No graph but you can see the text for nozzle temperature showing 6C while waiting and empty, then the number just jumps to nozzle temp when picking up a tool.


Veröffentlicht : 28/01/2024 11:08 am
Reputable Member
RE: Nozzle Temperature Display disappears?

After the bed probing all tools get heated for the initial prime/wipe at the sheet's front edge. If T2 was still cold then it takes that time to heat up. And during that time the selector isn't attached to any tool, so nothing to report back.

The graph drops to zero whenever there's no tool in the selector. During a print its just a quick spike while it switches. In your case, looks like there was a minute and a half wait for T1/2 to get up to temp before picking a tool up to continue the startup process. Once it picks up the tool it will report back that that tool is at 230.


Here's the VOD for my last print. At 00:03:20 it finishes up the bed probing, parks T1 into it's dock, and just waits without a tool selected for the next tool to get heated for the initial purge/prime at the front of the bed. The second tool gets picked up at ~00:05:04, ~1.5 minutes later. No graph but you can see the text for nozzle temperature showing 6C while waiting and empty, then the number just jumps to nozzle temp when picking up a tool.


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Veröffentlicht : 29/01/2024 3:17 am
PWFK gefällt das
Active Member
Themenstarter answered:
RE: Nozzle Temperature Display disappears?

Thank you so much for that very clear explaination, I understand now that the reported nozzle temp is for the tool that is picked 😀 

Veröffentlicht : 29/01/2024 3:55 pm