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Noisy XL  

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Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Noisy XL

mm, that IS good news ... and actually very plausable as I find it very likely that prusa would invest more time and testing in getting the printer working and out into the world. Making it a quiet machine seems not a priority then.

BUT ... for me, the printer-nozzle-heads are designed/assembled with multiple parts that are able to vibrate.. and vibrate very close to each-other.
Proof of this is the fact that my 2-head XL allready benefits from two elastic bands tied around the head and producing much less sound.

So, as a printer-protocol, as Inputshaping is, might help reducing noice, I would think re-designing the nozzle-head-parts might help a BIG deal.
Or providing some dampening material to add between parts.

Postato : 31/01/2024 9:59 pm
Estimable Member

I ran about 5 meters of sealing material around each and every metal panel on the XL and it appears to have quieted the machine down quite a bit. I still hear that XY sing but it's muted. Thumping a panel yields a dull "thuck" instead of a ringing sound. The panels have a natural resonance frequency and there's no dampening on them at all. Adding the seal, which I made to cut the airflow, seems to help.

Here's a sealed corner.

I have a whole slew of air seals for the XL on my printables page:


Postato : 31/01/2024 11:32 pm
Brian hanno apprezzato
Making Things
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL

After expirementing with different cover plates on the extruder (the cover parallel to the PCB) I do believe that those small metal tabs with which the PCB is attached to the metal frame are the main culprit. I believe they do not hold the pcb tight enough. For a moving and vibrating part I'm a bit disappointed with that design decision, especially given the price of that printer. I haven't yet found a way for a good fix without putting some tapped holes into the side of that metal sheet frame.
I do hope that Prusa can find a workaround in software. However I'm disappointed that the printer was released with that flaw. Wasn't that an obvious issue during that long development time?

Postato : 02/02/2024 11:10 pm
Nikhil S. hanno apprezzato
Active Member
RE: Noisy XL

For me this is the worst about the XL...

I have the feeling that they developed it and then ran into the supply chain issues. While those were sorted out nothing else was touched...

Also nobody can make me believe that those sounds did not appear during development/testing etc....

Postato : 03/02/2024 8:09 am
Active Member
RE: Noisy XL

This is soooo nice!!

I really hate the sound it produces. Of course, it is a more prosumer-aimed machine, but so are my Vorons and ratrigs, which are quiet. I did a lot of research myself which you can find attached if you are interested.

Postato : 06/02/2024 8:42 pm
hmk, Vernon, BaconFase e 1 persone hanno apprezzato
Estimable Member
RE: Noisy XL

I suspect the issue is familiarity. It probably groaned, screeched and whined plenty. They just heard it from day one, accepted it as normal after a few months and years later, they still don't notice. We call that "Normalization of Deviance" and it's common error in the engineering world. 

Posted by: @maxl

For me this is the worst about the XL...

I have the feeling that they developed it and then ran into the supply chain issues. While those were sorted out nothing else was touched...

Also nobody can make me believe that those sounds did not appear during development/testing etc....



Postato : 06/02/2024 8:49 pm
Nikhil S. hanno apprezzato
Illustrious Member

I haven't contributed to this thread because I have never encountered the issue.  But as a baseline:  A young lady came to visit on another matter and we were chatting for a few minutes when the XL, that had been printing throughout, changed toolheads behind her; she started, turned around, and asked "What's that? What is it doing?" - 'til then she hadn't noticed it.

OK, it was a smallish print, she would probably have noticed a full-bed job.

...but reasonably quiet for a workroom is normal in my experience. 


Postato : 07/02/2024 6:49 am
Brian hanno apprezzato
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Noisy XL

It also depends on the object that you print.
One object will need smooth long movements, while a more complex object will need many fast displacement-movements .. and will make noticable more noise.

Anyway, I have an MK3s wich you do not hear when it's printing only some meters (yards) from you.
Sometimes, I check on the movement of the spool turning to check if a print is ready or not.

The XL makes a LOT more noice.
My XL is situated in the living room. At night, I can hear it from my bed, ... which is two levels up.

Postato : 08/02/2024 9:31 am
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL

I built an EnXLosure for my OPXL2H, to contain noise, and added a BOFA PrintPro 2 to better deal with this sort of problem:


Postato : 08/02/2024 3:22 pm
CleverSquirrel hanno apprezzato
Reputable Member
RE: Noisy XL

You can certainly dampen noises with such methods, but you don't eliminate the cause/problem.For me, this is not an acceptable solution.

Postato : 09/02/2024 4:05 am
Illustrious Member

I have an MK3s wich you do not hear when it's printing only some meters (yards) from you.


The XL makes a LOT more noice.

Most of it is fan noise and toolhead changes. Long extrusions and non-printing moves do sound louder than the MK3 but not annoyingly so.  There is one angle, about 43°-45°, that causes a light buzz but rotating the print on the bed avoids that.

My XL is situated in the living room. At night, I can hear it from my bed,

I can hear toolhead changes from the next room, otherwise it's go-look to check whether it has finished.

Because of a few comments on here about noise I was expecting to have to fit vibration damping.  The only anti-vibration measure I have actually installed is a pad of closed cell foam (torn from the nextruder packing) placed under the centre of the base where it should damp vibration - having put the printer on top I'm not going to lift the printer to fetch it out and find out whether it's doing any good.

The only major variation from the standard is the spool holders are not mounted on the machine but instead they are screwed to a board above it.


Postato : 09/02/2024 7:38 am
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL

Just as a matter of interest, how are you controlling the air filtration in terms of power on and power off at the beginning and end of the print for your Bofa PrintPro 2? Just been wondering if there was a way of automating it?

Posted by: @derfeznoj

I built an EnXLosure for my OPXL2H, to contain noise, and added a BOFA PrintPro 2 to better deal with this sort of problem:



Postato : 09/02/2024 8:52 am
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL

It’s not automated, but I use a power strip plugged into a Kasa smart plug to cycle power (for all equipment) from my iPhone. The Kasa app has scheduling built in, so you might be able tho cycle the system down post printing by using the estimated time remaining as a guide. The added benefit is the Kasa app allows you to monitor power consumption. I built these two models to manage airflow and temperature with the EnXLosure:


Postato : 09/02/2024 1:57 pm
Estimable Member
RE: Noisy XL

These plugs?

I've been planning to get a smart plug but when you mentioned it monitors power consumption, it rang a bell😁

Postato : 09/02/2024 2:28 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL

The model I have is a KP115. I don’t see a model number on the link you provided, but they look the same. With the OPXL2H printer, BOFA PrintPro 2 and EIBOS dual filament dryer running at the same time it’s drawing about 290w. The internal temp on the EnXLosure stays about 35C when 4 bed quads are heated and running PETG. It’s all fairly quiet unless I’m printing a large circular model. I’m assuming revised firmware will address that.

Postato : 09/02/2024 2:42 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Noisy XL

Has anyone else tried turning the print speed down slightly?  I turned the speed down to 94% and it's much quieter. Mine was making a bunch of noise when printing in the y axis.  I noticed that the sound got louder or quieter depending on if it was printing inner or outer perimeters.  That's what have me the idea to slow it down slightly because it just seemed to resonate at certain frequencies.

Well see if it works on other prints too.  If it does I'll just slow down the perimeter speeds some in the slicer. 

Postato : 19/02/2024 1:10 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Noisy XL


Posted by: @diem

I have an MK3s wich you do not hear when it's printing only some meters (yards) from you.


The XL makes a LOT more noice.

Most of it is fan noise and toolhead changes. Long extrusions and non-printing moves do sound louder than the MK3 but not annoyingly so.  There is one angle, about 43°-45°, that causes a light buzz but rotating the print on the bed avoids that.

My XL is situated in the living room. At night, I can hear it from my bed,

I can hear toolhead changes from the next room, otherwise it's go-look to check whether it has finished.

Because of a few comments on here about noise I was expecting to have to fit vibration damping.  The only anti-vibration measure I have actually installed is a pad of closed cell foam (torn from the nextruder packing) placed under the centre of the base where it should damp vibration - having put the printer on top I'm not going to lift the printer to fetch it out and find out whether it's doing any good.

The only major variation from the standard is the spool holders are not mounted on the machine but instead they are screwed to a board above it.



My XL kicked my MK3S out of the dining room. I could only hear the MK3S a few meters away. I hear the XL humming & whining 2 rooms away. Normal printing stepper motor and/or resonance stuff. Head changes too, but most of my stuff at the moment is single filament Gridfinity stuff. The MK3S is now in the living room about 10 meters away from the XL. Standing less than a meter from the MK3S I almost can't hear it over the noise of the XL 9 meters away. The bedroom is a hall & 2 rooms away, but annoying to listen to all night. The XL has a much lower wife acceptance factor than the MK3S & may end up getting banished to the basement.

Long straight stuff seems to be the worst (yay boxes for Gridfinity). It was just whining really loud & high pitched for a while, then a few seconds ago really quieted down as I hear it start rattling the head back & forth doing some infill. Then loud again as it's doing long straight bits.

I've tried the standard trick of put your hands on panels that may be resonating to try & dampen them trick. But no luck in identifying anything. Need to get around to trying some of the Dynamat & edge gasket stuff.

No issues with fan or power supply noise, it's all stepper motor related or resonance from those that is annoying.

Postato : 26/02/2024 7:19 pm
EastMemphis hanno apprezzato
Ira S
Trusted Member
RE: Noisy XL

I've tried the standard trick of put your hands on panels that may be resonating to try & dampen them trick. But no luck in identifying anything. Need to get around to trying some of the Dynamat & edge gasket stuff.

No issues with fan or power supply noise, it's all stepper motor related or resonance from those that is annoying.

Ditto.  I'd be happy to add something like Dynamat but the issue seems much bigger than that. If part of it is resonance, it would seem like Prusa could identify the travel speed that induces it and either slow or speed up to where it doesn't resonate. That would at least limit one of the multiple noise sources. Having been spoiled by the quiet of MK3/etc, this XL really seems like a big step back in quiet printing. 



Postato : 26/02/2024 11:08 pm
Active Member
RE: Noisy XL

The first alpha has just been released, I installed it straight away and started the calibration. The printer was loudest at approx. 90mm/s with the old firmware.I did a test print before and after at this speed and it's a night and day difference. The loud chattering has completely disappeared and the printer is considerably quieter overall. Only the bed and fast travel moves have remained the same.

Postato : 27/02/2024 8:29 pm
GuyH e Fallon hanno apprezzato
Honorable Member
RE: Noisy XL


Posted by: @cybergurke

The first alpha has just been released, I installed it straight away and started the calibration. The printer was loudest at approx. 90mm/s with the old firmware.I did a test print before and after at this speed and it's a night and day difference. The loud chattering has completely disappeared and the printer is considerably quieter overall. Only the bed and fast travel moves have remained the same.

That's great.  Looking forward to the full release! 

Postato : 27/02/2024 10:21 pm
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